Is that…is that Frank? No way, it totally is Frank. Frank, my man, it’s been ages, how are things going? Good to hear the whole lawyer thing is working out for you. Hey, I’d like to introduce you to my special lady here, Sara; who just so happens to be accompanying me on the three month anniversary of our first date. Can you believe we met in a Waffle House of all places? What a way to find your soul mate, that’s life for you I guess.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Thats kinda like I Can Has Legend when Will sees frank "FRANK WHAT ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE!?"
wow very funny and creativ, they should make a comic section in screenshots so ppl could make things like u just did, well done would hav been cool if u set it out like a comic but still really good
Thanks for the compliments, glad you guys like it. What's kind of funny is that this wasn't staged or anything. I was playing Standoff, and because I can't stand the map I started to drive around honking at my teammates. One guy apparently got sick of it so he tossed a grenade at me and it just happened to land in my passenger seat. I can picture him yelling this while shaking a stack of fusion coils.