fun 3v3 map. i tried it with shotgun starts oposing assault riffles and it was chaos. but chaos is good. 8/10
me either it looks like you just randomly put them in for fun or do they DO something? another thing is, please dont just add MLG to your map name to get more popularity, if it NOT mlg, dont PUT mlg thanks
This looks nice, I really like the use of the gates, I don't see that enough in maps. But there is not enough pictures of other things in your map, all I see is pictures of the gate. I also like that it is all blocked in, I love that in maps
Guys, please re-download the new version of this map be nice, !!!! Please I forgot to change alot of the objects to yes so please, help me out here !!!! tell others too! thanks alot you guys
The gate is a little rough it could be made a bit better cause the peices have an ability to move out of place
Completely wrong I've tested and tested and tested the gates over a hundred times and it's never messed up you make me angry when saying that !!!! Honestly try it yourself even with 14 people when I tested the gates still worked even when it freaking lagged ahhhh!!!!
How can he know they are true MLG players if he cant get their GT?? anyways its good but kinda small personally for MLG idk what the gameplay is like but I also know movable objects arent MLG so the switch is not quite MLG but otherwise nice map not bad
The reason why I can't give out their gamertags is because they, weren't wanting any from all of forgehub.
looks very well interlocked and put together. the only thing i dont like is the shield doors but its not the biggest deal. 4.5/5
Looks pretty neat, man. Ill give it a DL and come back with a review. So far, I like the general structure and solid interlocking. I think you may have overdone the shield doors, but again, I will look first.
Merged epic spamzor I'd be greatful if you'd review to map not the sheild doors, and play test with me... and a few others too My normal gamertag is Steeveness although live ran out so add Steve MLG Then, we'll have a forge xD Mwhahahahaaaa! 2 Of them said the 2 in the middle hut had to go but the gate's sheilds were OK so, that explains version 2... Add Steve MLG for now. Now add me!!! Good Interlocking. I think you should add more pictures. The pictures you have now don't really show an overview of the map.