I think MLG maps are simple, theres not too much stuff, and they play pretty well. I on the otherhand like complex maps where there are a lot of places to go and hide and look at. Mlg is fun for a little while, but it gets boring without all the extra weapons that i love
i dont like mlg a lot either not enough sustained action i think there probably is a lot but if thats what people want then thats the way it is there will always be people making non mlg and non foundry maps - rep blaze poor show indeed
i respect you for that comment, you said it calmly. +rep. i still really like default halo but i just dont like the gameplay as much.
Just because somebody puts MLG in front of a map name does not make it an MLG map. Certain noobs think "If I put MLG in front of it, people will download it morezzzzzz." So when you say they are taking over, note that very few are MLG maps. That said, I love MLG maps. Not exclusively, as I'm not very good at them, but the are the epitome of map design. The makers need to know where people will go and how and then make the maps so that it flows around the people. In the OP you said that it limits originality, but I don't believe that for a second. MLG maps are only the same from the most superficial point of view, and the shape is dictated to a large extent by Foundry. Square box begets more square boxes. I don't have a problem if you dislike MLG. I do have a problem with you neg rating maps you haven't played. That is very arrogant and just mean.
Considering the amount of people that actually play Halo 3, and taking into consideration that almost everyone of them has tried forge at least at one point, it's safe to assume that everyone tires their hand at a map at one point or another. Now when the game first released there was an tremendous influx in map/gametypes. As it's already been stated, one of the beauties of an MLG map is not having to create a specific gametype. You already have set standards in mind, and so you are then able to try and forge that optimizes those settings. The biggest factor in MLG settings for me is the speed difference. While it may not be much, that extra 10% speed difference means farther, and higher jumps can be made. Ideally, an MLG map should only be an MLG map, and it can't be a MM or should conform to the standards of those who play MM (more rocketz?!). While you may dislike the fact that you see alot of MLG maps, I can't help but think that you're just stifling the creative capacities of others. Anyone can forge, can't they? Yes, some are poor, some are mediocre, and some are great. The fact remains that while MLG may cater to the competitive, it is really no different from creating a map for infection,capture the flag, territories,VIP, or juggernaut. It is a gametype more than anything else.
ok, enough. what blaze did was not right, but enough is enough. you only have to warn someone once. don't keep posting "neg rep for you blaze", or you might find yourself at the wrong end of the rep system. what he did was abusing the rep system, but what you guys are doing now is completely hypocritical. enough with the blaze thing and move on to what this thread is really about.
yeah i know people are starting to post ALOT of MLG maps and they are getting annoying but hey some of them look alike SOME!! i know alot are different but they all have like the same layout red base blue base nuetral base. and cover like dumpsters,doors,barriers, etc
MLG maps offer variation from the norm and so provide different game play. In my opinion this is a good thing as it helps to create variety and so there is something for everybody.
This may have been the dumbest thing I've ever read, in fact I feel dumber after reading it. MLG maps are designed to play competitive fast paced games that require skill and teamwork to win. I agree that for a while there were a ton of two based maps that copied onslaught and were terribly un-original but that trend seems to have been reversed as there are now a ton of room based maps and other asymmetric (often halo 1 inspired) that play really fun competitive games. They also can't be as detailed because they don't budget glitch because it can cause lag and screws with the game's fluidity. Honestly some people just prefer the mlg gametype (like me) because they feel its more fair and balanced (I hate the majority of the halo 3 weapon set). I prefer their settings to the average forge map setting simply as a personal preference. Now there are plenty of bad mlg maps being posted in the competitive maps section but there even more bad non-mlg maps being posted so I don't understand your moaning and bitching. ALSO I truly dislike most of the non-mlg forge maps because often people get their head halfway stuck up their ass with making the map pretty (I don't give a **** what it looks like, its still in bland ass foundry colors!) and a lot of these maps (even featured ones) have a ridiculous weapon set that isn't balanced and appeals to nubs who like to be holding laser and fuel rod gun with four grenade types. Honestly dumb-asses like you are why we need an mlg section, I know you've said it would just be more work, but instead the debate forum gets put in which probably needs more moderating than the rest of the forum combined so I don't know whats going on.
I was just talking about this the other day. Most of them aren't even MLG standards. Like they just feel cool by putting MLG in front of their map's title
Hm..it's kinda like infection. Way over done and not overly hard to make or great. Though if there ever actually is a great map..than it would be amazing and a massive challenge. The only difference from infection is that MLG maps tend to be good more often.
actually, good MLG maps are a complete ***** to make, they ask you to geo-merge or interlock almost every object.
Yeah and then you have to make everything labeled in some way so it could be called out, and there are lines of sight and ledges that grenades get caught on. MLG maps usually have to be simple but perfectionist at the same time.
Not all MLG maps are the same. Check the one in my signature. It doesn't look like any MLG maps but it's really fun to play on. At first loopk it looks like an original competitive map.