Well if you've ever posted a map and I've rudely down-graded it because it's MLG, this is why. MLG is the most un-original map you can get, okay they can be well made and planned but with all these MLG rules coming to hand there's so many limits. It's like maps coming out of a factory! Now i have a confession... Ive never played a MLG game... ever i refuse. So i really don't know what they're like, if they truly are amazing and you do need 50million maps to be made then please tell me, But I can't imagine some gametypes to be so amazing. All i'm trying to say is that MLG maps kill originality, are more or less the same and are all over the competitive maps forum. Post yer thoughts:squirrel_evil:
Now a lot of people are going to tell you off for not playing MLG and then complaining about their maps, but i can't be bothered to, so i'm just going to explain this. MLG maps may be similar to each other, but they are definitely not identical, good MLG maps have a certain nature about them that cannot be recreated in you average competitive map, they are almost in a league of their own. now this is not to say that they're better, because there is no best style of map, it just means that when searching for MLG maps you expect something different. the layouts are similar, but there are also MLG maps that blow the average out of the water, like MLG bleu horizon (can't remember who it's by) it just screwed all of the MLG standards completely, yet was still great to play on. it's maps like this that make MLG so much fun (that and getting 1337 no-scopes =P). i think the reason that people dislike MLG is because lots of people take it so seriously, that is not the way MLG needs to be played, you can just have a shitload of fun on the maps instead. there are people who go against all MLG principles (ie. the ducks of onyx) just to have fun, and change the style of play. now i know your thread is about how similar the maps are, but i figured i'd throw that in too.
There's a different style to make MLG maps compared to normal maps. TBH, I prefer normal maps. The MLG maps although having very restricting rules do allow creativity, the player must make the map flow beautifully. Some people may not see it but each MLG map offers something different. I'd have nothing against you for not liking MLG maps but since you have never played MLG, I feel that this isnt a serious arguement. I'd like you to play a few MLG games and then tell me you hate it rather than just say you dont like it. Its like food, you cant say you dont like it if you've never tried it. I can understand where you're coming from. I'm making an MLG map now and there are apects that I'd like to include but that aren't "MLG", so I'm making a normal version and an MLG version.
In all sense, I'm inclined to agree with you. However, I always give props for actually making the map work with a gametype that's so limited. So yes, I dislike it, but it's a challenge to make.
your sig says otherwise... I can... and as I and Linu said, it's a different style, i personally like it, even though i suck at it, but there are people who don't like it because they say that MLG people think that they're so great because of all the serious stuff involved in it.
well, here's the thing, we have at least 10x as many infection maps, do we really need all of those? no, but we still have them, and some of them are great, just like MLG maps. most are mediocre at best, but there are some truly amazing ones, like Lockdown and Inertia.
Bah. Yeah, I may be in the group but I still enjoy regular games. I love MLG, but I do prefer non-professional competitive gameplay, if that makes sense. IMO, There are leagues of Gameplay: MLG (A lot of communication, Team work etc.) Competitve (MM style) Casual (Games where killing isnt the main obejective and that provide a laugh) Casual Competitive (TGIF Team Slayer kind of style) Race (No description needed) Infection (In most cases, Yuk)
HAHAHAHA are you serious, you think there is too many MLG maps. Go look in the forums 1 in 30 maps are MLG 15 in 30 are normal slayer and the rest is infection, casual and race. dont make a forum about you thinking there is too many MLG maps when there is just as many aesthetic pleasing not very well played maps. how would you even know that MLG maps are bad, you havent played MLG before.
i know there are just some that stand out from the crowd, like Inertia, Lockdown, Hype, Onslaught, Amplified, Mecro, Confined, Embezzledment there is heaps more.
I think what you mean is that most MLG maps follow the same rules, Top mid, bottom mid, spawns, bases, Top A and Top B. Comparing Hype and Onslaught etc.
that is one style of map, if you look at the MLG Forge Forums you will find better MLG maps then some of them on this site
My main point isn't saying that MLG maps are bad, it's that there's too many of them which really don't look very good. I will agree i have seen good MLG maps, but alot of them people concentrate on sticking to the rules and not using there own ideas.
i love mlg maps thank you very much.. they almost always play well adn its just my opinion that i like them and your opinion that you dont.. -rep for you buddy.
what i think he is trying to say, is that there are too many maps in the forums that really are not mlg. just have it in it's name. EDIT: BTW blaze, please don't be so mean when you rep, this is his opinion and if you don't like it then don't go into the thread in the 1st place. you neg rep when someone does something innapropriate on the site, not states their opinion.
I actually agree with this, it just seems like MLG is taking over the comp map boards, I know it happened to casual and I don't like that. EDIT: BLAZE, no, just no, you don't give people -rep for their opinion, you give it for them doing something stupid or annoying.
well thats ok, just what i got from it was that he dislikes MLG maps but he has never played on them. ok i get it. now since i understand what your going on about i understand, yes there are some that have all sorts of stuff that MLG dont use. this is why i am making a MLG map guide on weapons.
no, he's complaining that there are too many MLG maps AND that they are all virtually the same, neither of which are true IMO. and BLAZE you can get infracted/banned for that...