Debate Abortion yes or no?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Roche178, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    Up to a certain point while it hasnt developed a consious brain then its ok because its not really living but after that then no its just murder.
  2. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    I agree but What is IT? If the woman has a one-day-old then do we allow her to kill the child if we think she will abuse it or doesn’t want it? Or do we in fact take the child and give it to someone who can take care of it. “But the child isn’t born yet and she has to take care of it for 8 more months?” Agreed but the issue is then is it OK to kill a child to stop it from being abused. Obviously not… if it is a child. Secondly is abusing the child worse than killing the child? You see the question is not if the child will be abused, but whether it is a child or not.

    In addition I should add what my grandma said: When abortion was first legalized all the pro-choice people said that Child abuse would be stopped or at least be reduced. But on the contrary, in the years since Abortion was legalized and became commonplace, child abuse has increased almost 200%. Obviously abortion on demand has NOT stopped child abuse, it has made it worse. Isn’t it time to try a different solution?

    I do not know much about adoption, however I do not believe they kill children if the child does not get finances in the orphanage. Can anyone confirm this?
  3. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I'm not sure exactly the time in which the child is considered a child, but it's a few months in I know that.
    I don't care about your stupid moral reason of killing a child, there are much more important factors.
    I would also like to see a womans point of view, I mean this thing is growing inside of her.

    It shouldn't be anyone else's decision except hers, legalize it and let the mother choose every time. Of course there can be exception, but we aren't talking about that.

    Sorry if you can't see how that is logical at all but I would think that if the Mother believes there to be a good enough reason to not want to have a child then so be it. The life is not there yet so you're preventing life from happening not killing life.

    My head feels all cloudy so if half of the above makes no sense then that's why... =\

    Not reading wall of text sorry, use paragraphs to make it easier to read...
  4. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    That was an example of what might be done in the FUTURE! proposing us doing that at this moment would be crazy
  5. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Again, the question is What is IT? If the fetus is human then it is not part of a woman’s body. It’s a separate living being. So she is not allowed to do what she wants with someone else’s body.

    If the fetus is part of the woman’s body, why does the woman have 4 hands, 4 feet, 2 hearts, 4 lungs and 2 heads? In fact if the woman is carrying a boy, does that mean that the woman has her own male sex organs? Obviously not! This is ridiculous.

    The unborn in many cases cannot even give its mother a blood transfusion. It has different blood types. If you test the DNA of the fetus, it has its own DNA. It has Human DNA that is NOT ever ever identical to the mother’s DNA. So how can it be part of their body? That’s illogical and irrational and it’s nonsense. In a pathological investigation, everybody realizes that DNA is unique to whom? To each human being. No two human beings ever share the same DNA and no human being has 2 different DNAs. Specially in this case where the fetus has have the DNA from its father. So if it is not part of a woman’s body what is it a part of? It’s obviously a part of its own body. Well isn’t that a human body? It’s got human DNA.

    Furthermore even if it was her own body, women are NOT allowed to do what they want with their own body. They are not allowed to take drugs. They are not allowed to try to commit suicide. Remember it is still illegal to commit suicide. Why is that law there? What do we do with people who we know are depressed and suicidal? We put them in a place where they can’t kill themselves. Don’t we. If it was legal to commit suicide we would not have a legal basis to try and prevent someone from killing themselves. So people are not allowed to do whatever they want with their bodies, there are limits.

  6. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    I'm totally against abortion, if the mother was irresponsible enough to get herself pregnant in the first place then she should have to live with the consequences of her mistake, exactly why you should not have sex unless you love someone and are willing to start a life together. I might be a bit more lenient to the less than 1% of woman who have been raped and had no choice in the matter, but other than those few - no.
  7. PureCallum

    PureCallum Ancient
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    I do see your point. However I think that's very unfair on the baby. Just because the mother got pregnant the baby doesn't have to suffer abuse or even die from neglect.

    Even if the mother does try to avoid getting pregnant, contraception isn't foolproof and if the mother does get pregnant and doesn't feel up to raising and supporting a chold she should be able to get an abortion. Otherwise the baby might end up dying from neglect at a few months of age.
  8. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Well technically i know this is ridiculous but said child is a creation of the parenting mother and father and in a way should be able to choose what to do with it but in a way we at some point will need abortion to keep the worlds population down i mean just look at china! but i do see where your coming from it is not a part of the woman's body but it is a creation derived from both the mother and father.

    You can easily debate that the child has its own rights and aborting it is taking those rights away but some of our own rights may be taken away as a result in the future if we make having an abortion illegal we may have to make a law like china's stating you can only have one child per married couple.

    Now i personally think in a way abortion helps us control the population but my opinion is biased as i don't believe very strongly in ethics on some subjects so i guess my opinion really comes to this conclusion

    'it is the parents choice if they would like to abort the child they have both helped create but only if both agree on the subject because it takes two to make a child and thus it should take two to stop making a child'

    that's my two cents on this subject and thus this is my closing statement if you disagree that is perfectly fine as everybody has their opinion sincerly-java
  9. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Population isn’t a big issue because if we took the density of downtown San Jose and made Texas one big city of that density, all 6 Billion of the world’s population would comfortably live there. That would leave all the rest of the world for the... environmentalists (OK I’m just kidding).

    But for the sake of argument let us grant that overpopulation is an issue. Then the question is what? Yes it’s back to: What is IT? If the fetus is human, can we just kill it to reduce the population? What if we decided to kill all one-day-olds, would that be OK? Or how about all 70 year olds? How about all those with AIDS? How about all mentally ill? Obviously we realize that we shouldn’t kill humans just because of overpopulation.

  10. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    The only reasons for sex, in my opinion, are; to show love to your partner, and reproduction. People are obviously going to have different beliefs than me, seeing as I'm Christian, but that's my outlook on things. If there is accidental pregnancy, though, why not carry it out seeing as how you created the child with the one you love?

    I'm going to abstain from this topic now, seeing as how some could get upset over ones opinion. Sorry to upset anyone.
    Jimbodawg likes this.
  11. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    In a perfect world dom I could only wish that those were the only reasons for sex. I really would love that, unfortunately there is more pre-marritial sex and unprotected that it completely overrules and almost makes what you said a dream of sort.

    I also understand that other people beliefs are different than mine. I also am a Christian and believe in this and could only wish that it was true.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    So the baby is just a medium for teaching the parent their lesson?
  13. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    lolololol :'D

    You have some good points Rey, I do agree, I just didnt really want to look like an asshole posting them ;D

    dont worry you did it without appearing mean somehow Ö
  14. Chillaxin Gabe

    Chillaxin Gabe Ancient
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    That's when you put the baby up for adoption. You shouldn't EVER get an abortion. I feel whoever the parents are, they have no right to decide a child's life.
    #34 Chillaxin Gabe, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  15. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I completely disagree with abortion. It's your responsibility to take care of your child if you get pregnant. You can't just click an undo button or erase your kid. If you take the risk, you should accept the fact that you could get pregnant
    #35 Norlinsky, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2008
  16. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    You see this is my exception. If the person is raped abort away.
    It as not their choice they did not make a mistake. They could not help it.

  17. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Definetly no!! It is k1lling innocent ! If you want to have s3x so bad I have one word for you:C0ND0MS !!

    edit: sorry my mom put some stupid word filter on so excuse the misspellings...
    #37 KB, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  18. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    What in the world are you saying?
  19. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I almost had a kid when i was 16, but we aborted the fetus. If i had not aborted the fetus, my life would have sucked from then on, and the child's life would have sucked. My parent's lives would have also sucked.

    Sometimes people **** up, make mistakes, get pregnant. If everyone had the kid instead of trashing it, i dont see how that would make the world a better place at all.


    edit*** - lmfao soggy, best avatar ever
  20. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Just saying here, you took the risk and you should accept that. Abortion is killing a living thing. I think it's wrong that a "mistake" cause someone to never have a life
    #40 Norlinsky, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2008

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