Debate Human cloning

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IxGUNxSLINGERxI, Jun 21, 2008.


    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    thought i would see what you guys thought about this subject.

    in my opinion i think i is wrong. because i really would not want somebody who looks exactly like me talks like me and might even have the same personality as me walking around. not only would it just be creepy for all i know my clone might even pretend to be me and eventually become me!
  2. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Completely wrong, this is what reproduction is for.
    #2 Mysterious D, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Research, yes. Cloning, no.
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Cloning extinct animals I would agree to.Cloning body parts,body tissue,organs,etc. for the human in need is soemthing I would also let happen.But making a look-a-like of someone is just stupid and unneeded.
  5. Steamin Plasma

    Steamin Plasma Ancient
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    I mean it might not be so bad i mean if we needed a kidney or something transplanted then the clones would have one to give to us or something and they could clone the body parts 2
  6. AllseeingEntity

    AllseeingEntity Ancient
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    i think that human cloning could one day a legitamate practice, because of the fact that it would work a lot like stem cells. if you have a damaged body part/ organ then all you have to do is replicate it, and go on living like normal. At the moment, someone who gets a transplant has an average life of 5 years left in them afterwards, because of the fact that the body rejects it as a foriegn substance. if we are allowed human cloning, then in theory, the body would not reject the transplant as it carries our DNA, and would become symbiotic with our body.
  7. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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  8. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Hmm Orange?

    Cloning people = No
    Cloning My cat Dexy = HELL YES!
  9. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    i think cloning body parts is fine. if you have a faulty hearts and cant get a donner, this would be perfect. and with science today we can fix the problems with what we clone. and if you actually did clone yourself, (lets say you are 10 years old) it would take ten years for your clone to reach your age and you will be 20 now. clones would not think exactly like the original because they were raised in a different enviroment and setting. they didnt go through the exact same things as you so they wont act the same, think the same, feel the same, ect ect.

    and there isnt a difference from clong animals and people, so if you agree with 1 you should agree with the other.
    #9 philthyphillup, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  10. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Alby, please stay serious throughout this board; It's a great place to have serious discussions and I don't want this opportunity taken away.

    On topic: I would go into my feelings more in depth about why I believe cloning is wrong, but it breaks one of the board rules; it deals with religion. I can see why most people would say "Okay, go for it!" to cloning due to the 'scientific' breakthroughs man could achieve, but I just cannot agree.
    Orangeremi likes this.
  11. PureCallum

    PureCallum Ancient
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    I'm against Human cloning because of all the ethical reasons. I am however in support of animal cloning and stem cell research.

    i believe there is an enormous difference between cloning yourself and cloning an animal. If you were a cloned human you would have many problems in human society and fitting in. animal cloning doesn't have these issues for the clone.

    Cloning does still have problems. Correct me if I'm wrong but all clones so far have had deficient immune systems and have all died at a young age because they are not able to fight off the disease. Creating a human with these problems would be wrong and cruel for the clone.
    I can see why people would disagree with animal cloning for this reason. However I think animal cloning is fine especially to save an endangered species or a similar deserving reason.

    Also if we don't clone animals how are we going to perfect cloning?
  12. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    Cloning people would be sic, imagine having another you, you could make amazing maps :D
  13. PureCallum

    PureCallum Ancient
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    If you did clone yourself would you actually get on with yourself? You might find yourself predictable and annoying because they would always do what you would do.
    #13 PureCallum, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  14. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    this subject has been used and nicely done in many films, but i agree with u, even tho it would make a perfect stunt double
    #14 DRiSCOLL, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  15. KB

    KB Ancient
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    I think it would be useful and harmful... If I had to pick, I would say yes. Cloning could totally advance armies and other types of human research tremendously! To be able to test medicine on clones would be incredible. It could save many lives!
  16. mackmack

    mackmack Ancient
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    I am all for cloning, and here are my reasons:

    1: It could be used to save thousands of lives. if you needed a new organ, they could clone you one. Also an amputee could get a new limb. if you where severely burned, they could clone you some new skin.

    2: animal cloning could provide food for people who would have starved.

    3: when people say that if you have a clone it would be exactly the same (same personality and ect.), it would be like having a twin.
  17. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
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    We make enough babies as is. Why would we make identical human beings? It's sick, wrong, and completely dumb. Researching this would be a waste of time and money. The only up about this is duplicating the minds of the smartest people on Earth. The only problem with this is they would have the same brain development level and that wouldn't help think of anything at all to help Earth that the original scientist hasn't already thought of.

    First off. Animal cloning could have some nasty side effects. IDK...

    Secondly. Twins aren't the same people. They were just born at the same time and look the same.
    #17 Metroshell, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  18. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    *Cough* Jurassic Park *Cough*

    Twins are made different by their experiences, the same would apply to cloned people.
  19. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Well, it looks like all the points I was going to make have been made already...

    1) Too big a population already.

    2) Since it's too big, just use it for animal cloning, and (I don't think anyone's said this yet) Plant Cloning (ie. strawberries/watermelons/corn(corn? Yes, gigantic corn)). I'm sure that sounds outrageous...but the bigger the plant (edible plant) the better and more necessary it is to clone it.

    3) Cloning extinct animals = fail. Why re-create Jurassic Park as ferret put it?

    4) You could use cloning on humans just to use their body parts for yourself, but then isn't that inhumane? I mean, you're spawning something (a human life at that) just to kill it...

    5) ****, I forgot my other points...
  20. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    I think making an entirely new person is wrong unless it's done naturally. This should go for armies, as well. Your soldiers should be your people. They should be irreplacable. I fear that if cloning is used too much, it will be used for war, and countries will not realize the horrible cost of it.

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