Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : News its actually going to be called smuggler! Bungie quote: Dude You Really Need to… "Last weekend, Shishka and I put down the banhammers and bullying of Bungie.net users to head over to MLG’s event in San Diego (there’s a briefly exhaustive write-up here) with the main purpose of the being a live exhibition of Cold Storage, a remake of Halo: Combat Evolved map Chill Out. Next week we’ll have a bit more about Cold Storage, but for now, just take a look at the map you’ve known as Chill Out, and more recently knew “Smuggler.” "
I hate this crap, Im tired of all these Halo 1 remakes, lets get original stuff or some stuff from Halo 2. We need a Beaver Creek or Blood Gulge.
They were in both, Its good to know their isnt any noobz here, lol. You people are freakin out, calm down. I personally like this remake, it was one of my favorite maps. Props to bungie
You know why we keep on getting remakes, because the fans keep asking for them, and bungie keeps giving them to us. of course expect tons of "ZOMG BUNGEE BROKE CHILL OUT!!!!!" thread over at B.net.
Yea looks like those big things that tell you they are going to help you get to the profit to kill him. And now that I look closer, I can see the little spore anttenai sticking out of it's mouth.
I know a lot of people dont like construct and epitaph, but i think there pretty fun levels. and this looks kinda like them. same structure at least.
this reminds me of the first experience being the arbiter in H2 when you have to cut the cables at that station place 0.o
Luke said this wasn't part of Mythic Map Pack, you can already play on it....perhaps Bungie Day Gift?
Can't wait to play it. I like the original Chillout and it looks like it'll play exactly the same. i think the thing in the tank is the tank form of the flood's pure form. It would be awesome to be able to have in on Bungie Day but I don't think so. Time will tell. I hope it's something I want to hear.