------- Description Urban Sprawl is a corner to corner, multiple level, symetrical, walled off foundry map. It has two bases(labeled "A" and "B" ), a middle bridge, and two towers. It was created with the idea of having the low-ground not be at the cliche'd disadvantage. It features one mauler on the top bridge, and no other power weapons. The map is different from almost all other maps for a variety of reasons but I suppose pictures are better than words. ---- Supports: 1v1 2v2 4v4 MLG Slayer MLG Capture The Flag (Onslaught rules) Release Notesv 1.2 - Release v 1.3 - Fixed a couple of problems with spawning and weapon placement etc. Teh Pics DOWNLOAD HERE Note: As of now, the forging is really rough, If anybody would like to help me clean it up, I'd highly appreciate it.
Ya I know. I really havn't done much forging and I'm not very good at getting things to look right. I think the point of a competitive map however is the geometry, while aesthetics are nice, if it plays well then goal achieved IMO. If you would like to help me get it to look nice then by all means, I would be highly appreciative. @Make a Map Thanks, I had to do those bridges over like 8 times. =]
this isnt original at all. Its been done a lot, just click my sig! (im not saying i was the first, but i was before you, so you definitely are not original)
Ummm, your map is nothing like mine. They both have urban in the name, but thats about it. I was talking about how the map geometry is set-up. Almost all I have seen lately is maps trying to be onslaught in the competitive 2-base category. With the map flow ebbing around the circumfrence of the level, and in the bases. With this map I did my bests to keep the focus on the top middle, and the top bases. With the bottom available as extra routes. That's another thing, I'm pretty sure I've made your choices ridicululously high as to how to get from point a to b. Other differences between our maps: 1. Mine is an MLG Competitive map, yours is a normal one. 2. Yours subscribes to the "base here, building here, building here" theory. Mine is a little different. 3. Yours is actually Urban warfare themed. I just named mine that simply because it kinda looked like a city to me. 4. You have enough power weapons to take on Hades, God of Death. I have a mauler. 5. The flow to you map is very.. all over? 6. Your map is assymetrical, mine isn't. 7. The point of my map is to be smart about how you play, flank and outmaneuver you enemy. There are a few power points, but nothing game winning. So my point is, I don't think you really understand how I see maps well enough to judge whether my statement was correct on the basis of my logic.
Zing! I love the, "This map reminds me of mine" or "I had this same idea before you did so check mine out too!" responses because they make me laugh. I like your map and it has given me an idea I will use in a map of my own. It's the layout of the bridges... they look like Stealth Bomber wings to me the way they are stepped next to each other. i'll be sure to mention you in the description b/c I'm not one to leech credit. I played this early this AM with two friends and we had a good time. I am anxious to see what you produce as you continue submitting maps; assuming you post more.
I just can't see how its supposed to be a city. I like it's construction, but it just doesn't look like a city in my opinion.
*sigh* Like I have stated before. I just names it Urban Sprawl on a whim. This is NOT a theme map. It is a serious Competitive map. Just because somtihing doesn't have some weird abstract name, does not mean it is some easy map. I posted this on the MLG forums as well and only posted here, once again on whim. To clarify: This is not supposed to be a city.
Jesus Christ and the Holy Mary. You really were just sitting there waiting for a chance to say somthing scathing in response to my post weren't you? That was what, 90 seconds after I posted? @To the Mods: Does that count as a double post? I was under the impression that the term referred to two simultaneous and identical individual posts and/or threads. Please correct me if I'm wrong. As to the title MLG = What kind of map it is. Urban Sprawl = Actual name of map Somthing Different = Subtitle (Cause bungie don't like them long names.) Is this permissable?
Thankyou. I havn't figure out how to get the textures to stop melting and still have a roughly evan surface yet. Like I said this is pretty much my first map using the interlocking glitch. And ya, I love MLG, just seems funner to me. (Please no arguments on this people, just my opinion.)
A double post is any two posts after each other, sorry if it wasnt clear enough. The name is totally coincidental. No more argument, kthxbi. So your both right in a way and both wrong in a way. Also one more thing - we dont usually like any kind of thing in the map title other than the name of the map. I would take out the ' - Something Different'.
Thankyou for the clarification, Insane. =] Also thankyou for the praise, I have put alot of thought into the map flow and geometry and it is good to see my hard work be appreciated.