This map is great! I have play tested it a few times and could not find to much wrong with it. A few times players found themselves spawning next to each other, but this was in a 5v5 game (btw 5v5 is too much for this map lol). First looking at the pictures I saw wonderfully amazing aesthetics, but I believed it would be an easy map to break. But, after play testing it a few times me and my friends could not break it..This will defiantly be a map that stays in my saved files for a while! Good job!
Yeah, that's is the only real big issue, I think I may need to yet again do something about the spawns. I don't know what, but I just can't do spawns well. There some issues during FFA but I really would encourage you to play some small team games on this, it is really what FLux is designed for. But remeber, no more than 4v4. Also, there are a few ways to get out, and I just didn't have the resources toeffectively block them off. But, I might find some way to scrap the materials together to do so in an update.
I broke your map it is quiet easy if you are host just go over to the fusion coil and stand on it and beat it down and you go flying up and land on teh long wall/barrier thing
That comment is kinda pointless. Having host isn't really "breaking" my map. There are a few other ways but yours is not included, and they have to be practical. That doesn't do anything if during a game your "host" and you go stand on a fusion coil....
Good show, BC. You're really crankin' em out lately, aren't you? You always seem to be able to come up with some great new visual pieces for your maps. The only thing I can say is the holes up top are not totally sealed off, but no worries. That is just such a minor detail I had to mention. Overall, looks great.
The map itself looks great! I really like the interlocking and merging used, but why dumpsters in the middle column?
Why the dumpsters? Lol, why not? I mean, not only did it use exactly all sixteen, but I think the dumpsters look pretty darn cool like that, don't you?
every thing seems to be inter locked plays real well just DL it 19999/5 soooo good cant find any problems so far
Ok Brute, i was able to play a small team game on this today, it was 3 v 2 but more like 2 v 2 since my guest really sucked... Anyway. the gameplay wasnt as good as i thought it would be, but still way better than a bunch of other foundry maps. spawning issues didnt happen as often as FFA did but every once in a while you would find someone come out of nowhere from behind you. but still it wasnt THAT big of an issue. one thing i did not like tho was the Ghost. IMO the ghost holds no purpose. it is very hard to manuveur and theres almost no possible way to get a kill with it. everytime it spawned i used it to test it out but ended after a spike grenade landed on to the front end after 5 seconds. but idk what you could replace with the Ghost really, just something to think about. But everything was VERY aesthetically pleasing on the map, maybe you can use a lot of these aesthetic touches in your next map (along with other new aesthetic touches you find) and try to make the gameplay really well, then you might find yourself with a feature. but all in all i like the map. net necesarrily a 5/5 but closer to a 9/10. but thats good! great map!