you should try again. Halotracks was in the process of moving over to a new server recently because so many people joined and there was so much activity that the had to move, so that is probably why. They are good to go now.
you should put like grav lifts pointing to the other side of vip point so people don't just back up and score over and over again. just a thought.
Damn...that's some good forging right there. The only problem spot I can find is on the last slope. There's that one spot on the far right that you can just run right into and not get up it. I know racers probably won't make that sharp of a turn, but it'd be nicer if you could get up it. I'm guessing you have nothing left to use though. Anyways, great job! It looks like a hell of a lot of fun.
it was fun to watch smelly create the track, i helped a little bit with a few ideas and the ending. smelly, great job!