download Indent Indent is a pefectly semmetrical map that was mainly made for the main MLG guns... Snipers and BR's This map got its ideas from MLG onslaught and a bit from another map i have made. on this map there is: 2x battle rifles 2x sniper rifles 1x rockets 1x sword 2x plasma pistols 2x assault rifles 1x smg 1x spiker 4x spike grenades 4x plasma grenades 1x power drain 1x bubble shield this map features a pyramid with a color on top signifying which team it is, a rope bridge in the center, a top bridge, side cliffs, flaming columns, and side passages if you want to get a quick run to the other side. now for some pics... this is a picture of the rope bridge and the columns. this is the side hallways, there is a same hallway on the other side. this is the center bridge which house the rockets. this is the blue teams base. this is the red teams base i would like to thank mainly Green Gunner, Codemyster85, A Ghost Bear, GetJawPoPPed, and Frozen fury for helping me test.
Interlocking would of helped smoothen your map, i dont think this would be the best gameplay from looking at the pictures. 2/5
The map looks very sloppy, as if there'd be a lot of bumps when walking. Also, this cannot be an MLG map. MLG do not use any of the ones in red. The use of sheild doors is a bit of a put off, also the custom powerups on top of the barriers look very easy to obtain. I dont mean to sound like "needz moar interl0cking" but for MLG maps, interlocking is a must and there doesnt appear to be any on this map.
hey thanks i dont watch much mlg but my friend who does said it should be so i went with him. i will use this on my future mlg maps.
yeah definatly need some interlocking but nice layout and yet again another mlg map but this isnt too bad nice work looking forward to a v2
great concept but coul use tweaking, sheild doors aren't mlg, neither are swords . also are u supposed to be able to pick those custom pwers up, cuz u can.