In this episode we catch Halo 3's Map Thief "Castorcanadandy." Part 1: 2: All Credit to Xanon for telling me about him. Part 1: YouTube - To Catch a Map Thief: Castorcanadandy "Part 1" Part 2: YouTube - To Catch a Map Thief: Castorcanadandy "Part 2"
OMFG LOL! That was great, is there any way I can get in on this? I hate people who steal maps, and people are commenting on my maps saying I stole them, so, yeah, I need to be in on this, it was ****ing hilarious
I didn't think the second one was good at all. You didn't trick him into saying they were his maps, you just started saying that he will never make a map again.
yay a new episode ! =] this one isn't as great as the others though, i stood through it all, but I don't know why...
Nice to see a friend go down. Nice job I got no1 else to tell you guys bout. That was funny when he said I helped make the dome hahaha like I can interlock that masterpiece.
Yay im american10 on there that kid was a retard... Lol i said i thought interlocking was modding lol!
im suppriesd he stayed in the game that long. after him being caught stealing maps. but i still think that the best episode was the first one. at least he knows haw to interlock. and not just say that he made the map. nice job on catching another map theif.