This is a map i made with Tekn9nekilla which has two versions. there is a hardcore version where things are a bit more open and pallets are used as walls so you can shoot through them. th plat4m version has an extra 2story bulding which in the original non hardcore map was not added.I have showed this too many people and they loved it. give it a try if ur up for fast paced fightin. u have lower sheilds than regular and i think in the gametype for it it takes two br headshots for a kill. You start off on one of the sides of foundry with 4 double boxes in front of oyou. each one has different things in simulating call of duty "classes". After choosing your class enter the teleporter infront of you to be put at one of 8 spots on the map. Download map(hc version) download map(non hc version w/ plt4m) download gametype(increasing the damage or lowing damage barely is RECCOMENED for the game to be more fast paced.)
Good idea with the "classes" but the map itself doesn't look that great, hard to tell with such tiny pictures though.
once youve got the picture uploaded next all you have to do is left click on it and then it will send you to a larger image and then copy the url and then paste and your done!
Also for future posts heres a stick on how to. Link Also, If you know how to use the weapon mount system, (Using a weapon holder that is interlocked into an object or behind it) place like the type of gun YOu would find in there. (make sure it is out of reach!) So people can choos there class better, and more efficeintly.
Guys we get the fact that his pics are screwed up! PLEASE START COMMENTING ON THE MAP!!! Looks good. Nice aesthetics... May I suggest interlocking to clean it up a bit... What are the mancannons leading into the tunnels for?
wel.. so u cant get out of the class chooser. i guarantee if u dl it ull have fun playing it with its gametype with some people.