The horrifying hole! Will you survive? NO! The ultimate hole-map Must be played with the gametype: hole The more players; the more fun. The objective: "The Hole" consists of a big and long tunnel with a hole in one end, and teles that lead to your doom on the other side. In the hole are several mancannons. On top of it is the platform with junk on it that will be pushed down into the hole. The zombie can't get out since the soft barrier keeps him down. He also has 150% gravity The description: The zombie's objective is to push the various objects into the hole. The object will then be launched at the living at terrifying speeds. The living normally die when hit by an object, but sometimes they survive. This is what the teleporters in the back of the tunnel are for. If an unlucky living gets pushed into the wall, he will be teleported outside the map, meaning an instant death. The living's objective is to survive; dodging the objects lunged at them. The game is fun with about 8-12 players, but the more you are, the more fun you have. Sadly, I've never played the map with more than 13 players . Now for what you've all waited for: Pics!! The living's start. Don't go past those cones! It's a very long tunnel... Echo! An almost empty platform. The platform untouched. Those barrels look really dangerous! Another view of the untouched platform. Boooriiing! Show us some action! I told you they were dangerous. Ouch! You're never safe. Muahahahahaa! That's what awaits you on the other side of the teles. Bring it on! Give it a download foo! Download the gametype first! Then download the map. Special Thanks goes to all the people that helped me test that map. There are too many of them to show , but I'm really thankful.
i like the idea of things falling in a hole and you have to survive, but its almost like hurricane Katrina, but yours is 10 x better in my opinion!!!
Nice The interlocking is superb, and I love the idea of not being able to go against the wall. I would say that less people could be better, because of the potential of lag (Which would make it impossible to dodge the objects)
I've seen a map like this before but, this one looks way better and it has more room to move around. And also, can i send you a friend request on Live?
This map looks amazing. The idea is awesome, the interlocking is perfect, and the gameplay looks great. A for sure DL from me
Sure, go ahead! Da Pig 117 is my gtag. *edit: Did anyone laugh at the first 3 sentences? I laughed so much my mom came and told me to shut up - and I had my door closed and she was three rooms away from me lol!
no explosions = no lag, if he's pretty much in the budget he's good, and I am definitely downloading this map, definitely! Looks so good, and so much fun!
very nice. amazing interlocking with the bridges. if i had an xbox i would DL. 5/5. btw how long are the rounds?
Dude, my friend had a map called vents made in december, now, i see everyone stealing his idea, isnt there anything called one of a kind anymore?!
Wowowowow...This should so be in mini-games, because this is more then "casual" which casual, imho, is falling to the crap zombie maps... Seriously have this requested to be moved to should get a lot more attention there, and this deserves attention... This map is a really original idea...The flinging objects to kill someone part, not so much, it's been done a few times now, but the teleporters behind the players, haven't seen that implemented before, nor the zombies having to push items to kill the humans...that's tight. Well...I guess the last thing I have to say is keep up the originality, and keep up the forging.
This looks like the cleanest version of this type of map, however, I have to advise making a drop off point near the back where the objects can pile up safely so people can't just hide there, instead of that telewall, because the objects can still pile up, and people can sit on behind a pair of dumpsters and survive the entire match.
Well there's already a map with that thing. however, the shooting mechanism isn't controlled by a zombie. I also didn't have enough money and objects. Actually I've never seen "vents" before. Sorry if it looks like I sole it :/
Wow, I am impressed. The interlocking is flawless. The tunnel is also very clean and smooth. I love the concept and there is nothing really to criticize about the map. One thing though, is that it looks escapable. And I also have an idea.. run with me here...You should have a weapon holder behind each Item on the upper level and an equipment grav lift behind that.That way people who hurl the items down can just deploy the grav lift on top of the weapon holder and vwalah.
Well, although I'm tired of seeing these kinds of maps, yours seems to be the most professionally executed. The props are all teetering on the edge of the funnel, and the back wall has deathporters to spice things up... I like that. If I wasn't sick of the idea, this would be a guaranteed download. Nice job.
No, I'm just saying move the teleporters that are inside the wall outside of the wall, and more towards the other end of the tunnel. Trust me.