i have seen this map way before here this is not a very original idea sorry. oh and btw my friend made this map i was there when he built it from scratch. if you based this off his idea then i am sorry for my reply to your post
ummm... this map has been made before, differently (I'm not saying you stole it) but one of the other ones by Nathon Green looks and works the best.
esky its the same one your friend built then because i got a friend who built exact same one i wasnt there but he said he had a friend watch him build so this fourm should be closed ive seen it on forge hub to
Im sorry you did not make this map i've seen it and a user called nathon green made it he even showed me a video of the origonal catapult with only 1 radio tower. sorry but a mod should lock this
nice but i saw this like 4 months ago you did not make this i have even played this so ya you didnt make it
I think this is kinda stupid. the first catapault 3000 was made by bungie, and it is kinda stupid if you try to rebuild it, and if you do, at least put v2 or v3 etc.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all Of You IDIOTS Who Keep Saying I Didnt Make It If You Can Read It Says Rite There That A Friend Showed It To Me A Looooooong Time Ago And I Dont Remember His Name Yea but this is not a remake of it that was made with fusion coils
Hey buddy39914, I am not going to yell at you because it is pointless after 10 people have told you what you did. But I am going to thank and congratulate you, for being one of the only people to actually have a perfect post for being a newcomer to this website, not even I had a perfect post and I was one of the first, 11 to be exact. So keep up the good work but if you didn't create the map, don't post. I and everybody else, want to see what you can create. So next time post your maps and not others. Thank You