SANCTION Finaly finished my map Download HERE Im not really that good at explaining the layout, so i'll let the pictures do the talking =] This map is team based (although FFA works alright) and supports all gametypes Slayer, King Of The Hill, Oddball, and CTF all play very well. I am really happy with the flow and balance. There are a few little tricks to this map, for example you can crouch to drop down between the stairs and the wall in the central area shown in the 6th picture. Also if your skilled you can jump, crouch, then jump again up from the bottom of the stairs at the central area The other tricks you will have to find out for yourself :] WEAPONS: Bruteshot Needler Mauler Sniper Splaser Battle Rifles Carbines Plasma Pistol Shotgun Plus frags n' plasma nades power drainer and deployable cover Download and tell me what you think! Thanks to Grif for help with spawns and gametypes =] also thanks to Waylander for a bit of help with the layout EDIT: Dont you dare say this map hasn't got enough cover or I'll smash you ;D It has plenty of cover kkthx VIDEO THANKS TO PLATINUM LYNX: PICTURES map overview Slanted wall (shotgun spawn spawns 1/5 up you cant really see it) Mauler Cave beneath sniper hill Alleyway (good CTF escape route) Sniper Hill + Gap for nades into Mauler cave Central Area Central Area Again Central Area + Top level(Splaser spawns ontop of the stairs) Download HERE
nice map though it does look a little bit open also i think you should have added more to the alleyway. Just spice up the map a bit.
Looks an exciting 3v3 map, I think all the corners and hidey-holes that are here you should include a great Oddball variant..
trust me buddy there is PLENTY of cover just download it and see, seriously its perfect. I ran out of money anyways. I'll add more pics tommorrow to show you k :] and TSK, as I mentioned in the original post the map is set up for all gametypes, including oddball =]
Fun map mate. Glad you opened up the mauler cave a bit. Was hard to kill a camper before when the grenades could only really come from one direction.
yeah I really needed to open that cave up a little more, I also added alot more cover in around and beneath the towers since you last saw it
I love the central area. There are tons of places to hide and many routes to take. The interlocking is awesome and creativity used in this map is clearly shown. Good job!
i love the layout and the interlocking but i think you might have to many power weapons like a splaser but other then that great job 4/5
The Splaser actually works out pretty well, as I have it in the center its quite risky to get it, and its hard to keep people in your sights plus enemies will see the red light and take cover. Well the spawns you did I actually had a few problems with =P so I took out some and put them in different places, and changed the spawn teams etc, the spawns work really well now ;]
this map has clean interlocking which is good.It looks a little bit open,you could of but some dumpsters of something.But its a good map 3.5/5
Ok you guys, I added some more pictures. Trust me, there is sufficient, expertly/tactically placed cover =] Hope you enjoy!