Pitch Black

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Jester, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Hello, Forge Hub community. My name is Jester, and today I am making my fifth contribution to the Forge Hub.
    With the new Fx filters available in the Legendary map pack, the infection game-type has been revitalized. I have played several of these "sunset" game-types, and all of them have horrible balance issues. I thought to myself, "I bet I could make a balanced dark infection course!" And so I did. I am proud to present Pitch Black to the Forge Hub Community.

    Game-type: Nightfall
    The zombies are slightly stronger than usual, so surviving relies more on teamwork than on firepower.

    Human attributes:

    • Normal health, no shields
    • Normal gravity and speed
    • No motion tracker
    • Magnum
    • Forced color: White
    Infected attributes:

    • 110% movement speed, 75% gravity
    • 90% health, no shields
    • Forced color: Black
    • Alphas have poor active camouflage
    • Energy sword
    Custom power-up attributes:

    • Good active camouflage
    • Duration: 90 secs
    Phases of play
    Each round lasts 7 minutes, 6 rounds in all.
    Duration: 1 Minute
    During the daytime, humans are safe from infection, as the infected are confined until dusk. Day is a time for humans to gather weapons for the coming night. Rest assured, there is NO ARMORY on Pitch Black. Instead, weapons are scattered throughout the map, and all of them have low ammunition (NO EXTRA CLIPS). Humans must scramble to acquire enough supplies to survive the nighttime.

    Duration: 1 Minute
    As dusk falls, the infected are released. Gravity lifts spawn and move the obstructions in their way and allow them to begin their assault. For the humans, dusk is a warning to find cover and get ready for nightfall. The infected are not too much of a threat, unless you get careless. Find your buddies, and get ready for a sleepless night.

    Duration: 5 Minutes
    Nightfall comes, and the living quake with fear. With almost no visibility, humans must rely on keen senses to keep them alive. Flares can be found in several of the hiding places, and they re-spawn every 30 seconds, so use them often. The flares, as well as fire, allow brief visibility; but be warned, your night vision is destroyed for a few seconds after they go out, leaving you blind.
    Weapons can be found inside the hiding places, but all have only one clip, and NEVER re-spawn. If you failed to gather enough ammo to make it through the night, your only option is a risky excursion outside, as the weapons outside the hiding spots re-spawn with the nightfall.

    3 minute mark/ 6 minute mark
    Just to spice things up a little, two custom power-ups spawn after 3 minutes at the exits to the infected re-spawn areas. These power-ups give whichever infected who gets them first a minute and a half of invisibility. The reason for this is to give the game a "Jump start". Nobody likes a boring game, and these power-ups allow the infected to take care of seemingly invulnerable campers, as it is nearly impossible to see them. They spawn again at 6 minutes to jolt the end of the game.

    Map: Pitch Black
    Please join me for a tour of the map.

    1) This is where humans start, at their crashed ship. The ship may be tempting to camp in, but dual shield doors ensure that anyone stupid enough to will soon join the ranks of the dead.

    The crashed ship.

    What happens to ship campers...

    2) The tunnels here house a shotgun and a flare. They get EXTREMELY dark at nightfall, but are easily defendable, as only two entrances are open. The outside of this area contains nothing but scenery.

    The tunnels at day.

    Time to find a hiding spot.

    3) This hallway has only two approaches, but both have plenty cover. The shorter hallway is well illuminated at night, but the longer one is pitch black. A turret that does NOT re-spawn sits in the corner. The infected may try to get you through the fence, but never fear, you are out of reach.

    Two humans under siege in the corner.

    4) This is the main hiding spot for humans, but not the most wise. There are three entrances into the main room, where the flare spawns. The lower level is only accessible through the hole in the floor, but it is a rather large hole and thus not easily defendable. On the plus side, a flamethrower spawns (but does not re-spawn) in the basement, but watch the propane tanks! Remember: you have no shield.

    Covering the rather large hole.

    The flamethrower cannot always save you.

    5) This is one of the more defendable areas. There is only one entrance into the "cellar", but the infected can break through the back wall with enough time. A flare and a battle rifle make this a nice hiding spot, but it is also uncomfortably close to the first zombie spawn.

    A flare illuminated the entrance to the cellar.

    Fire creates a barrier and provides light.

    Don't get too comfy; watch your back at all times.

    6) The warehouse area is another spawn point for the infected. To reach it they must go through a one way teleporter. A shotgun spawns in here, as well as a SMG and a flare. Another hiding spot is available for use, but it is extremely close to the infected spawn, meaning you will have little time between attacks.

    The warehouse is disturbingly quiet at night...

    The hiding spot houses an SMG and a flare.

    P.S: For those who want to complain about the pictures being too dark...do I even need to finish this disclaimer?

    Author's note: I have been terrified before while playing Halo 3. Last TGIF my party played "Peasant Hunt" on "The Lost Chamber," a particularly frightening experience. I can say without reservation that "Nightfall" on "Pitch Black" is just as mind-numbingly scary. I screamed like a little girl, hopefully you will too!

    DOWNLOAD Nightfall
    DOWNLOAD Pitch Black
  2. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good with nice use of ForgeFilters! Looks very fun to play!
  3. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    This has been done and done again, but none as well as this one! 5/5!
  4. murdermac

    murdermac Ancient
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    are the pics not working or is it just me?
  5. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    mango don't be to harsh this looks well thought out its not easy to make good maps on ghost town.
  6. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    I didn't say the map wasn't good. I said it wasn't original. I would only say the map was bad if I had played it. I am not going to play it for the fact of the FX. I have played around 12343241 of those maps and they are all lame. He lost rating points for not being original.
  7. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    i LOVE this idea even though im not a fan of infection
  8. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    I see that you used the fx filter trick good job with that iono bout the scenery tho but i love maps that use those fx rtricks Lookn great tho.
  9. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Lol I never said it was an original idea...I even acknowledged that there are already maps like this. This is simply my attempt to balance the gameplay out and make it less of a camping game and more of a survival one.

    Also, TastyMango, I think it is a bit immature and self-centered to de-rep somebody simply because you don't think they have an original map. However, it is mature to de-rep somebody who does the aforementioned. Please keep your future comments in the thread and out of my reputation page.
    #9 Jester, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  10. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
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    this looks like a winner here good job
  11. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I think people are being critical, while not looking at how well you have constructed the map and put together your post. 4.8/5 from me =) and DL 2
  12. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    Why do people get their faces eaten off just for using filters? Ok, so there are lots of maps that use them, but that doesn't mean they lack originality.

    Or maybe I should complain about all maps that don't use them, because "not using filters" has been done before?
  13. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    very nice use of the filters, i like the crashed ship and various other places to go to, great job
  14. Xenomorph52

    Xenomorph52 Ancient
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    But aren't more than half the maps displayed in your signature based off of movie properties that already exist? Hypocrisy!

    As far as these filter maps on Ghost Town go, the ones I've played have been less than stellar, but yours seems to different. I'll give it a download and see how it works out.
  15. gmoney196

    gmoney196 Ancient
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    sweet...wish i had the legendary map pack tho
  16. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Wait, did you lower his rep for that?! Psh. Jerk. Anyways, it's alright. I guess the ship is pretty cool, but I don't really need another one of these maps. I know you said you weren't trying to be original, but that pointless, because then there is no incentive to download it.

    Senior Member

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    this map is die hard amazing i cant wait to freak my friends out with this i usually never want to be the zombie in infection games but this map makes me not want to be a human a great 5/5
  18. Thund3r

    Thund3r Ancient
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    looks like a sweet map nice work
  19. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    I dont care if this map isnt original it looks awsome. The idea of the crashed ship and using flares as your only meens on seeing would make for a fun, scary map.

    The only thing i dislike about this seems to be the hiding in all the little corners of the map. You should encourage the humans to come out, I think that would give the game a little more fright when the humans are running around blindly.

    Also i hope the zombies have advanced radar because if they dont i would find being a zombie really hard to find people because of how dark it is.

    So i give this a 5/5 for being well thought out and nice use of the filters.
  20. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Despite the multiple hiding spots, the map actually does encourage humans to roam about after dark. Ammo is extremely scarce on the map, and NO ammo respawns in the hiding areas. Humans will eventually run out of ammo if they don't conserve it well, and even then it is often inevitable. The weapons outside the hiding areas respawn after dark, so midnight scavenging is often the humans' only hope for survival.

    And, no zombies have no radar. This is to encourage the hiding aspect of gameplay. But humans are all white, so they stand out in the dark.

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