Alright it's about time I posted a new one of these, sure most people don't care but I like to do it anyway =] Okay here goes, let's start at number 5 and work our way down to number 1 №5 - This is a song i absolutely love. The lyrics to this song are so moving and bring back memories of relationships of the past... ♥ №4 - And at number four we have a great dance hit. You can really move to this song and it always makes me happy. №3 - Yet another song to dance to. A great re-vamp of an old song. №2 - You truly do feel the beat and dance when you hear this song. A great hit, how can you not love this song. №1 - And of course we have number one. This is a freakin' awesome song that get's really addictive. there we go, my latest top 5 songs in my playlist. Hope you liked them ♥
some classics and some iv never heard off, but quite good no really my type, o ye your no 1 is no longer avalible i would replace it