I can play at 8, but it's gotta happen right then. I got a hot date. EDIT: Date canceled. Stupid work.
Grrr.... I really hate to say this, but it looks like I may have to forfeit. It looks like I don't have a team anymore. Having that much awesome bottled up in one place can't contain itself for long. Espescially if we can't even vent a little on some noobie teams. All the free wins killed us, lol. Anyway, Squid and Tesai have messaged me saying they're not good for the team anymore. Busy real life stuff holding them back. Creep1ng hasn't answered my messages in a few days, so I don't know what's going on there. AWOL I guess. So I guess I'm gonna have to forfeit. Sorry Cosmic. Sorry Team Pain Train. I really tried. Hope a game gets played in the finals. Btw, since Team AESF was probably the only team that could have matched our awesomeness... the Lex Luthor to our Superman.... that is the team I will be rooting for, and expecting to see win. Tear 'em up out there guys!!
We have ourselves a spy, gentlemen. The only reason I died so much was because there was no one to leach off of. The enemies shields were down the whole time...
Well whatever happens officially, perhaps we can all get together for a match at some point in the future.
Yup, looks like AESF and Pain Train win by default. Sweet! Anyway, maybe I'll do something like this again, but with a looser team structure... like, one person starts a team and then they can invite anyone on their friends list to play as long as they can get 4 together. That might be better. And then we can just have a running win/loss list. And yes, we won our test game. It's good to know that LIGHTS can pick up my slack after all my Ninja Gaidening. I kept trying to Inazuma-Drop Qrange...
Sorry guys. I wish I could have been a better teammate, but being a grownup can really suck sometimes. A public apology to my captain Neverless; we almost made it without a defeat, lol! Hopefully once my life gets back to some sort of normalcy, I'll be able to get together with you all and actually play a match.
So, it looks like Team AESF and Team Pain Train have a championship game this week. When's everybody available? Let's try to get this done before the weekend if possible.
If you guys can get something together tonight, call me. I'll be doing something with the GF, but she'll understand. This is the championships, after all.
I will try to get the team together tonight, just prepare for the wrath of Team Pain Train, people who face us seem to have a problem with actually playing us... and disappearing.
I too was hanging out with a girl. Sorry, guys. It has to be sometime Monday or Tuesday, then. Everyone on both teams, when are you available? -Cosmic Rick - Anytime after 6:00 pm EST