Based on the new pics and video, this one looks like a straight up arena map. I think it'd be like forging Epitaph or Construct. (Cold Storage is a new map coming soon, people at MLG San Diego got first looks, but pics and video are all over the web now.
IT would be like epitaph except it should have awesome new items to forge with which should be an improvement.
Yes but it will be part of a map pack, which of course will bring more forge features, not necessarily useful on this map. ~ Moved to Halo Discussion
From the gap between heroic and Legendary map packs, it looks like the Mythic will be released im september. By the looks of Cold Storage, it looks almost completed. Bungie are supposed to have a suprise on the 7th of July (7,7), maybe its Cold Storage.
I wish they'd just release some new maps on 7/7. Cold storage looks about done, and they've been working on purple reign forever. Hopefully the surprise is something crazy (like a remake of all halo ce maps or something) We'll probably just more more info and a picture pack
Won't even be that ... bet they just do a 7/7 Humpday and show us a pic or two of Chill Out/Cold Storage.
Yeah I agree with some of the posts above. From first impressions it did look alot like epitaph to me, but I'm sure we can squeeze something good out of it
ya i am not to worried about forging i think it will be fine but i would like to see those blue teleporters instead of the green ones because the teleporters on the level are blue and it would go better together
Cold Storage details will be released this Friday. I bet some new forge items will have something to do with the Covenant. As for 7/7 I think they will release details on Smuggler.
I have no idea what forge Items will be on the new maps but lets just hope they look nice and match up with the map.