Kay, i have answered questions in the op if you don't feel like skimming then: Yes, you can use the auto-locking of doors/window panels Yes, we now have 2 judges, Ivory, and Brute We also need for 4 more judges Judges have criteria for map rating =] Oh ****, I forgot to add myself to list of judges, rofl
Its gonna be hard to make a non interlocked map, I interlock kind of as a reflex. I do it so much it becomes so natural to me. Every idea I come up with will need interlocking. You know what, I'm not gonna make a non interlocked map. Tex, may I be a judge?
kay, i've added linu and waylander to the list of judges as for the de-evolving thing...i understand where you are coming from... oh **** forgot to add me to list of judges...AGAIN We'll be needing one more judge, I would like one more color for a judge =/
I'm not so into forging as I was before, but I made quite a few aesthetic maps. If, you let me judge, I'll accept it. If not, whatev +P
rofl, the criteria is made, considering the looks won't be pleasing for MOST maps, they will all get rounded down in a similiar fashion...so the average will still be fair =]
Maps must be completed by July 4th, there will be no entrees allowed to enter after that point. The judging for these maps (depending on the quantity) could take some time, so that will vary. The reason there are 6 judges, is because we need separate time-zones available Judges will be able to split, but we need at least 3 judges, judging each map, so one person cannot convince another so easily of a map's rating. Also, keep in mind that a rating of a non-interlocked map shouldn't take a whole day, so we should be able to punch out a few of them throughout the day... I will be adding this to the op. ----------------------------------- EDIT: Wow, i just realized, this is so damn organized for a non-organized map making contest, rofl
So when we test it we can pick any one we want to play on iy. But 3 of the judges will all rate that same map as well, and its score will be averaged. Also, are we gonna have any categories, such as, most aesthetically pleaseing, best playability, etc.
DAMN YOU WITH YOUR QUESTIONS!!! rofl The three judges will decide on each categories score's (not they will have 3 separate scores, then average them out) The multiple categories idea is great! So, before I enter that in the OP, please, we need more types, I'm thinking we have 3 separate winning areas Most Aesthetically Pleasing Most Playable Most Horrible (actually this is the one where i need another, as we know they will all be horrible, but we need another section)
I wish to join count me i am not quite the forgers of interlocking objects but i am lazy and i know i could win count me in my gamer tag like my username
Well shouldn'et everyone stop posting on here because by the time someone actually posts their map it will be filled up with pages uf us talking. If you want to be a judge you should send Tex a Pm (Lol I'm responsible)