Isolated Author: me Supported gametypes -slayer of course -KOTH -CTF (multi flag, and one flag) -Assualt (Assualt, Neutral, One Bomb.) -Oddball Infection is supported but is much better on the infection version of the map i made that i will be posting later. SUGGESTED gametypes -Team Slayer -Team BRs -Team Snipers -Shotty Snipers -Large FFA -Team King -Crazy King -Multi Flag -One Bomb
Alright, here's my two cents. Irish Bar Fighting. It's a fun, simple humored game where melees are the only ways to gain points for your team. Best with at least 8 players, but the more the better. Teams of two works the best. If played, the map MUST be played with its gametype, or it will not make sense. Wasn't sure on which you wanted so I put both in. Link to Forgehub thread: Irish Bar Fighting(includes the gametype) Link to threads: The Winchester Irish Bar Fight (gametype)
Carcass I hate to post my own map, as it seems a little shameless to me, but everyone who posted on the thread gave it a good review. So I don't feel terrible, I agree that DARKLORD123456's map, Darklord Manor should be in TGIF. I love that map, it is the epitome of epic infection maps.
Cavernous, its very fun, and has an original feel and game-play to it If i were to compare game-play, its almost like tunnel raid, or even the cellars
Corridors Gametypes preferred are either Team Slayer or Multi Flag/One Flag. One Bomb is also a good choice as well as Team SWAT.
I wasn't sure if he posted this or not, maybe i'll ask him to post for newest version. . . but Hangar 02 by Insane54. This is one of if not the most competitive non foundry forge creation ever. Some very memorable moments and supports all ranges of party sizes. I don't know if anyone can tell me what this is, I think it was played at a Furious Review. But its an Assault game at Ratsnest, and once they plant the first time it blows up the double box that you have a sniper and turrets from. That was a good competitive map as well.
Solace This is a map made by me and is great for most slayer, Koth, Oddball, and juggernaut game types.
Shihuruville Part 2: Highly recommend After the first T-Virus outbreak, most of Shihuruville's population has been wiped out. Our few surviving soldiers has ended up in Shihuruville's City District. T-Virus Alpha Attack the Fort: Can be played with 4-10 players Attack the fort is a One-Flag CTF map. The Fort is basically being attacked by an agressive rebel enemy. Its the job of the soldiers occupying the fort to defend it at all cost. Most importantly, defending the flag that resides there. Attack the Fort One-Flag CTF (Click link to use required variant) Border Patrol 2: Must the BP 2 V.I.P. game variant After the first border riot, the border guards had to upgrade the Border to a new state of the art fence. The border is even harder to cross now. Border Patrol 2 V.I.P Variant
SKYJUMP Putting this in to see what the forgehub community thinks of it, I don't know if they want "casual" maps for this competition. Basically it's a rocket race map with lots of forging used. Rocket Race Stunt games sounds like an awesome gametype, but when you play it you end up just flipping the goose too much and the gameplay stops and starts. Well, this map is made to play what a trick map should play like. When you jump off one of the many ramps to get to a vip point it's designed so that you will stick the landing and keep on driving to the next vip point. It has alot of racetrack type features but is still open, as a rocket race map should be. Some of the features are: a giant ramp across the map with a smooth landing (the skyjump); an out-of-the-map, interlocked skytrack that has a shield door jump across the chasm (the bouncepad); criss crossing jumps where you can collide in mid-air (the boxes and the gravlifts), a jump where the vip point is in the top of the tree and lots more. It's well thought out, well made and thoroughly tested and tweaked. LINK More info, pics and slideshows: SKYJUMP First time players of the map may have a problem falling off the cliff and may end up waiting for one of their two gooses to respawn, I'm working on an updated map with a way of getting around this problem. So I'll put that one in if it gets in. P.S. The big ramp which the map is named after goes from the plateau area of Standoff, to the top of the adjacent base and has five seconds hang-time!
Curbstomp, made by me. probibly best played with team slayer but its set up for more. (click picture)