
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by evan12075, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    omg! im speachless! this is one of the greatest maps in the history of maps! im dead serious! i love your fence interlocking and the bump on the ground thing!! i dont say this very often, but this map should be sent to heaven because it's so freakin holy! I no that sounded cheesy but im serious! this is one of the greatest maps ever! i strongly hope your map gets shown on the front page!! i want everyone to no about this map! and its obvious that ive seen my fair share of maps because look at my name im a geurilla!Good luck and u should be very proud!! Im giving u good rep!

    Edit: Oh and i strongly suggest u replace your first picture with picture 4 ! i looked at that and i was THIS close to leavin your map post! but i was nice today! im very glad i kept looking through your map! it changed my life! lol seriously i got some more forging ideas from your map! Great work again! 10/10 and no doubt about it!
    #41 OddWorld17, Jun 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2008
  2. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    lol thanks. and sorry but it just borthers me when people say isolation and not Isolated. oh well...

    wow you win the award for person who likes my map the most. lol. im glad you like the map and i inspired you to think of some more ideas. i dont want to switch the pictures around tho. because my main focus is sort of on the tower. but it's also a good thing if only the people that read through the whole thing comment.
  3. Make a map

    Make a map Ancient
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    Nice map great job im downloading just now. The barriers with crates on them now thats going to be fun.
  4. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    yeah i really like how you have made the hall way out of fence walls it looks unique. the only thing letting it down i think is the open middle. but otherwise its great
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    That pic alone has earned you a dl. I'll report back later.
    The thing that worries me is that it seems a bit too open.
    But I'll find out later
  6. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    this map is truly amazing. 5/5
  7. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    I read through it all( if you think i didnt) and yes i know that was your main idea! If i was in your position i would change it, but thats only me its what ever you think is best( P.S. I gave you good rep... :-( i wish i could give you more lol ) lol Peace!!
  8. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    thank, i don't think you'll be disappointed, the opennesss doesnt make gameplay worse at all, in fact it's probably better open like that.

    Why does everyone think it's too open?ya it's a little open but it's supposed to be. well at least you like it. thanks


    ya i saw that rep, "he has a freakin amazing map" lol. thanks
  9. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    This map is an epic win! You did a great job! After playing this map a few times over and over with my friends we did find a few things we didn't like.... We didn't like the fact that you can jump on the roof of the main building...and we saw that in bigger sized parties....(5v5) The map was a little unbalanced once a team starting controlling the main building or the higher points in the map...Although we did see you did a good job balancing it with smaller parties...(4v4, 3v3, ect..) with those little "outer" rooms towards the bases. If we spawned in or near those it was great because we could grab the br or carbine and attempt to take out some people up top....I was a little discouraged at the tower made of barriers and such though...because once it falls down (at least when I tested it) never spawned back up...(it just kept on falling down :( .....Other than those few small problems great job!
  10. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    oh i didn't like the fact that it's possible to jump on the roof either. those stupid supply limits took away some pretty neat aspects i wanted to add... and the unbalancing, i never really experienced that, i'll have to play it some more to figure it out. and the tower never spawns back because i had trouble with that, when it would respawn, it would destruct itself because not all of the barriers/crates fall at the same time, therefore, when a barrier wanted to respawn, there was most likely another barrier in the way already so the tower would fall once again. anyway thanks for the good feedback.
  11. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    well its true ! lol good luck on any future maps and id love to see more! Im gunna send u a friend request so i can keep track of any more maps you make, but u dont have to accept its just id like to see all your maps you post! peace
  12. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    thanks, i have some good feelings about my next map. i officially started it today and im trying to take some of these destructable objects idea to the next level
  13. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Evan: consider your feed backed. If that makes any sense at all. o_O

    But seriously, this is by far your best map. However, certain spots do feel kind of "thrown together" if you will. In my opinion, the worst part about Isolated was the spawn tunnels. During the test, all the defensive team had to do in One Bomb was enter the tunnel and hold it, preventing the Offensive team from even getting the bomb. IMO, every area put in a map should have at least two exit routes, because the "one entry, one exit" thing only leads to camping. You have a Shotgun and a Beam Rifle on your map, and both of those allow for camping. Even though it's "a legitimate strategy," camping should be hard to pull off, not easy like it is in your spawn tunnels.
    If you wanted to spawn someone safely (which you always should), you should've just made the map so the tunnels had at least two entrances & exits, as no one likes being cornered.

    As for everything else though, it was awesome! The middle was a bit too open for my taste (but you had vehicles, so that's justified), but your fortified base was absolutely beautiful. The fencing was honestly breathtaking, and your walkable surfaces inside were smooth and bump-free. I also loved the different methods of getting inside the base, like climbing on top or sneaking in the back. Too few people think of secret passageways anymore, which is sad.

    I also loved the Mongoose hill. Rather than boring staircases or bridges, I really liked that you took the initiative and made something that was out of the ordinary. It had a Gradient-style feel to it, and I loved it.

    Overall, this was an excellent map (especially the Forgegasmic destructible tower, except when it splattered me xD). If you ever plan on doing a v2 or improving it, please tell me so I can help out. I have a few ideas that would hopefully benefit your map very much. =D
  14. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    Woot you finally posted. Great map Ev.
    6/5 =D
  15. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    thanks for the very good feedback that actually helps me in a way. ok so the attacker spawn tunnel. i didnt mention this but i added a little drop zone kind of. the atackers and their bomb spawn above the tunnel sort of but it's still possible for people to jump up there. i think a v 2 is definitely possible and i think one revision i will make is eliminating one of the spawn tunnels so i can have enough objects to make the other spawn tunnel bigger. thanks for all the complements as well. i'll send you an inv when your on so you can share your ideas with me. oh and btw, im gonna make Interrobang a canvas map for me cus i couldnt find out how to get there... i almost had it by myself too. sad face... oh well thanks for making Interrobang so i can use it! hehe. but i dont think i will have the patience to make a map as good as Interrobang.

    i actually posted this a couple of days ago... ya. but anyway thanks
    #55 evan12075, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  16. Trace007

    Trace007 Ancient
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    This was really fun during playtesting, so you have my download.
  17. Madz

    Madz Ancient
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    I love The interlocked platforms..... ijust fgured out how to do that
  18. Madz

    Madz Ancient
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    being on the tower make s you feel invincible
  19. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    thanks. i think i might release a v 2whcih will have better gameplay. but i dont know

    don't ever double post. it bumped my map up but im still mad. double posting is bad. if it was an accident i understand. i didn't check the times. but if you did this on purpose, dont EVER do it again.
  20. BiG QwackER

    BiG QwackER Ancient
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    Seems really cool, I like the Action Shots.

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