Project S

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Tex, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    its a really good map.. small.. but indeed good.. GREAT for 2v2
  2. redsoxfanxd

    redsoxfanxd Ancient
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    is it possible to grenade jump to get to the vehicles
  3. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Sorry about how late this review is coming in, but I spent all of Saturday hanging out with my dad, and Sunday working.
    I just need to say that I have changed my rating to 6.5/10 as you got a +1 in enjoyment, I changed it around a bit. I also want you to know that 7/10 is NOT my average, as it is for some people.
    I understand where you are coming from, its hard to make a map and have some one else not like it, but most everyone else does seem to enjoy it, so you can be content in that(I suppose).
    I think it might have been better to wait until Brute's review to see if its just ME that thinks your map is average, instead of something better/worse.
    As for my rating system, there is a good reason why I have balance+playability as separate, equally large sections of my review. Think of it this way: Creativity, and Appearance as well as half of Layout
    make up the Aesthetics section of the map(which can usually be discerned from screenshots). Now what Playability corresponds to is the spawns, camping(is it possible?), a little intertwining with layout in terms of how one gets through the map(i.e. access points, a "competitive" map consisting of a single tunnel, with one spawn would score rather low here), of course its combined with the other subjects, but if you think about it they are all part of enjoyment. I just want to have a more diversified review. Balance is all about having no advantage in general play over the course of the map, (listen here) a weapon that causes general havoc, and can swing a losing team into winning position easily as well as a spot where a player can get a ton of kills easily, or anything that diminishes the requirement of skill to win will lower a score in balance(thus MLG maps generally score higher, while a zombie map might score lower).

    The rating system works in such a way that the review is more based on the way the map plays (Balance, Playability, Enjoyment, and 1/2 of Layout), then how the map looks (Creativity, Appearance, and the other 1/2 of Layout). I like rating this way because it ensures that 7/12 of the maps rating is on how the map plays(which I think usually correlates to a longer lasting map on a Hard Drive. And how a map looks is only 5/12 of the rating (which I think usually means a map that some one might play a few games on, and show some of their friends, but not really keep).

    I hope this helps you understand why I do it this way.
    I'm going to edit the Second post to better explain how the rating system works.

    Hope that made sense. =]

    About the smallness of the map, and losing points(like 1/2 a point) for it, I understand that you did your best, but you still lose points for it, and for that I am sorry about that, but I have to maintain standards.
    #83 !nikheizen, Jun 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2008
  4. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Turbo could you please edit that to color that is a little easier to read. Its kind of giving me a headache.
  5. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Kdone, I hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from, and that I wasn't trying to be harsh or anything.
  6. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Haha sorry but that makes you seem REALLY old.

    Anyway, if this map was bigger it would just be awesome. Something I didn't notice first time around was that the bridge columns were merged into the ground. Which makes the aesthetics go up a million. Can't wait till Project ? comes out.
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Thanks guys...

    Are you serious? Please, just download the map...You'll have the question answered for you...

    Yes Gerbo...I do...but one thing I STILL feel needs to be changed is creativity...The biggest thing about the map is the bridge columns (imo). They are completely original, and were a paaaaain in the ass to complete...please...just don't neglect to mention them in creativity, which should also have its points increased...after you've done that, i guess i can no longer complain about your review...

    haha shad0w is old man, haha
  8. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    Tex your very creative with the names of your map, well at least they are easy to recognize a quality map made by you. the bridge merged into the ground looks extremely hard and i can see the many attempts at getting this just right if you like small maps this is a must Download it and tex do you mind if i use your bridge columns idea in a map it would fit in perfectly thanks
  9. THExAslynsVolvo

    THExAslynsVolvo Ancient
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    Another ridiculous, unbelievable map from the ABC crew. The maps you guys put out are not only my favorites, but are also Bungie-type material. The interlocking and working into the map geometry are just straight up ridiculous. Great job and keep the maps coming.
  10. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Dang looks really fun to platy for FFA nice placement of scenerey objects they nice! nice drop in picture tehee good job 4/5
  11. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    i love this map and all of your projects! Great work hope there are more in the future i just love them soo much! I also posted this reply because i couldn't stand letting this amazing map slide to the second page of the forums! lol. still its amazing! Great work again 10/10
    #91 OddWorld17, Jun 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2008
  12. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    I actually increased the creativity by one point, but that's all I think that the bridge columns deserve, your rating is now 6.5/10.
    Keep in mind that this is my opinion, and in terms of maps its the ends, not the means that matter.

    Oh, and oddworld, your sig is too big, size limit is 200tall by 500wide.
  13. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    ok thanxz and is your signature serious ?? like did that actualy happen ??
  14. Lantus Nova

    Lantus Nova Ancient
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    nice map, I really like the Convoy outside.
  15. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    Project S... more like project amazing. Looks sweet.
  16. ZServ

    ZServ Ancient
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    Tex, I want to make babies with you, so that they have your map making prowess.
  17. MadMaxZH55

    MadMaxZH55 Ancient
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    dude i love all your Project maps. keep'em coming. my favorite is Project U
  18. Lil Kru8

    Lil Kru8 Ancient
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    i played project x and loved it i will be downloading this great maps tex

    CASHnDASH Ancient
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    First a 4 out of 10 and now a 6.5 out of 10 ? WOW !!!! Ignore this review Tex... Anything less than a 7.5 is illegal in all 50 states. As hard as it might be Tex... Try to forget this review even happened. Something is very strang about this review....
  20. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    1st, please don't neglect to mention Shad0w Viper =/. Or you could just say "The ABCrew" considering, THAT's US! =]
    2nd, rofl, creative map names, rofl
    3rd, merged bridge column = epically hard
    4th, many tries, many tries
    5th, NEVER STEAL OUR IDEAS!!! rofl, i dun care, just give an honorable mention pl0x =]

    1st, Someone mentioned The ABCrew =] epic win
    2nd, Favorites/Bungie material? yay, epic win x 2
    3rd, We do take a lot of time simply into the merging/interlocking...thanks for noticing =]
    4th, We have 23 more maps to publish :D

    1st, Very short post, but I still think I can scramble up a couple rebuttals
    2nd, It's great for FFA
    3rd, The map's geometry was very crucial...
    4th, Drop in picture = okay imo...

    1st, Yay, project series, rofl
    2nd, Ofcourse there'll be more Project Maps =] (we're in process of one right nao. double =] )
    3rd, thanks for not letting this slide to second page, I am much obliged good sir.

    I still love you gerbo =]

    Thanks Cash, it doesn't really bother me, it's his opinion, and I know alot of other people feel differently then him, so i'm not worried about it...

    Also...I've almost forgotten about it, THANKS FOR BRINGING IT UP!!! rofl, jk

    To all other comments such as these:


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