i dont like the name its weird so is the map, lost a DL dont bother responding to me cuz i wont read it =]
i have to say im not crazy about using the whole foundry. But im excited to see if you can pull it off.
Looks like fun i love the building and how you put put enough space for the vihichles good job i say 4/5
I really like how you made the map very open and accessible with vehicles, yet close quartered at the same time.
Thanks,I really tried hardto givethe best of both worlds. Its hard to pull off the vehichles on thismap,but I think it works here. Dirty Diana ( after the Michael Jackson song ) I am not good with names so I named it after a song. I think I found the right mix. FU ( your gone anyways ) Great! Tell me what you think.
pretty cool This map looks great.!! I like how there are lots of pictures. I can really feel the map . DL later.