Alone and solitary in the dark depths of night, with only the stars for company. The empty sound of the wind blowing. A dark river of asphalt slitting the earth. A distant sound of a mechanical beast approaching, Deep rumble growing louder as the beast nears. It comes into view with a single blinding eye illuminating all before it. A single rider sits on the beast back, his mind full of chaos. With a slight flick of his wrist the beast launches to a higher speed. Rain falls, lightly at first ignored by the rider, beast and road alike. A series of bends in the river of the road. The rider rides through seeming to ignore the turns yet the beast nimbly maneuvers, Stirring up dust into the air, leaning into each turn. The rain falls harder, the rider accelerates the beast again riding faster and faster as the rain falls. His mind begins to clear, he rides faster and faster. Thoughts leave the riders mind as he slowly becomes one with machine and road. Vanishing around another bend. The roar of the machine beast quickly fades. Silence, the road is alone once more with the stars. But the rain still falls for the rider.
Very detailed. I had a picture in my mind the whole time of what was happening. Tho, it was do I say....dark?
lol atleast you saw where I was coming from with it and probably picked up on the subject of the poem. I posted that on a BIKER website and all they could ask me was, "why is he riding in the rain?"