Complain that our central A/C unit fails to do a decent job of cooling the upper floors of the house, remember that there was a room unit that my father bought for their room last summer, enter attic, find said unit, claim said unit, lug said large, bulky unit down attic folding stairs with a minorly hyper-extended knee, install said room unit it window, set to highest settings, plug in, flick switch, close room door, and enjoy. 12 steps to satisfaction. For a 13th, I occasionally walk across some streets and get a quart of water ice....
you have to ask yourself in britain, what heat? hehehe but anyway i just stay indoors or out of the sun and i avoid wearing black
I'm fine in the cold, until my pinky goes numb. Them I have to blow on them and play halo with my elbows.
Walk out back, walk up stairs, jump. Then I call 911 and they take me tothe nice cool Hospital. Or I go swimming.
I go out and buy loads of ice tea, and then put my minifridge on it's side and pour the ice tea in just to the top. Works well so I don't have to keep running back and forth to my fridge for a drink.
Heat? what heat? its either mild, rainy or bitterly cold here never hot kind of depressing but at least I don't have to deal with the heat.
I sweat. But I seriously love Colorado. We have a little bit of everything; one day it will snow and the next it'll be 80 degrees. Gotta love continental climates.
The climate of Southern Illinois is fun (extreme sarcasm)!!! It's like Canada in the Winter and Texas in the Summer, with all the Humidity we have! If you got money, call a company that can install Building Insulation into your house, so that the hot air stays out, and the cool air stays in. If your broke, take a cold bath. It works, and you don't use much energy. BTW: WOOOOO, CAVALIER! 300 posts!