Fortress Siege

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by X Morcam X, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Fortress Siege: Bringing Down the House


    Yes, I know, lol at the title, I'm bored.​

    ANYWAYS, This is another fortress map, made by me, X Morcam X, and they just keep getting better. This time around, we're bringing in wraiths to do some of the dirty work for us, and you'll need them for the new gate. This is meant to be played with the special VIP "King in the Castle" something-like medieval style gametype. The attackers have to break into the Fortress, by destroying the gates, and go kill the VIP. The VIP will most likely be hiding far up in the keep, where he has a high vantange point on the battle below. As usual, a run-through of the action.​

    When the game first starts, the attackers run for the wraiths (That cannot be moved!), and the defenders run for the snipers on the walls. The snipers will keep the soldiers away from the gate for a short time, but not forever. The wraiths can attack the snipers on the walls, so you have to be careful when up there. However, the more important job of the wraiths is to help destroy the gate. The gate is a giant reinforced wall of barriers, and it will take the combined might of both of the wraiths to bring it down. The attackers have a couple snipers as well, so those can help kill anyone on the walls. If the attackers do not have quite enough people to use the wraiths properly, they may pick up the gravity hammers next to the gate and use the boxes on the far ends to grav jump up. Eventually, though, the gate will go down.​

    Once the gate is down, the attackers can move into the base. They rush in through the gate, hopefully supported by at least one of the wraiths, and the sword battles begin. The defenders still have a slight edge here, with closer respawns and the sniper rifles. The defenders can still provide a little sniper support from the sides, but remember that the attackers still have some too. Regardless, unless the attackers are horrible swordsmen, they will force their way into the keep.​

    The keep is a multi leveled structure, and the attackers have a couple ways up, until the end. They must work together to try and flank any defenders, or push up one side. If they manage to kill all the defenders, they must make their way up into the very top part of the keep, where they can attack the VIP. The VIP is tough, but remember that his shields don't recharge. The attackers have to repeatedly push into the keep and hopefully get a hit in on the VIP. If they manage to fight off the defenders, they will be able to succeed, but if the defenders repel them, they will not be able to kill VIP in the 9 minute time frame.​

    After three minutes, several things happen to help the attackers. First, a pair of grav lifts spawn that will allow the attackers onto the walls. If they have not been able to get in yet, they will be let in, just try not to let the defenders destroy them. A flamethrower spawns for the attackers. Don't let the defenders have it. Also, 2 pairs of opposing mancannons spawn just outside the main spawn boxes. These boost the attackers toward the gates, and get them into the battle more quickly. The attackers can now rush the castle, and flank the defenders on the walls.​

    Once again, party leaders running this, the round time is key. The more people you have, the shorter the round time should be. With a full party, you can lower it to about 7 minutes, while with a small, the 9 will do. This is because the longer the round, the more surges and hits you can get on the VIP. The gate always takes the same amount of time, if you have both wraiths operated, about 1.5 minutes. Generally one of the most annoying "Problems" is that they ​

    The Map is HERE
    The REQUIRED gametype is HERE

    There are more of these Fortresses here on Forge Hub.
    The original, Fortress
    The huge one, Fortress Invasion

    And now for the pics.

    An Alternate Overview

    The Base's Courtyard

    The Upper Keep

    The Lower Keep

    The Attacker Base

    Looking out at the attacker base from the VIP's vantage point.

    Looking at the wall from the Wraith/attackers viewpoint.

    And now for some ACTION!!!

    Shooting at the gate

    What follows soon after (I.E., the destruction of the gate)

    Swarming Through the Breach

    Uh Oh...

    Sword Duel in the Courtyard

    Sword Duel on the Wall

    Can you spot all the red guys?

    Flaming the VIP

    You shouldn't let the defenders have the flamethrower, though.


    As usual, thanks for any comments or replies on the map. There are a few more of these on forgehub, and I'm probably going to release a map pack soon. Thanks, and have fun!
    #1 X Morcam X, Jun 7, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2008
  2. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Very original; however are the movement for the players increased? Looks tedious to walk from one end of foundry to the next so slowly and might make the battles more hectic. One question is what's keeping the defending team in the base? VIP doesn't seem to be the game type you should use for this kind of thing, maybe One Bomb Assault or One flag CTF?
  3. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    this is cool but i dont get the point of doors if there is wrathis but i guess if you want them, looks fun 4/5
  4. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    The movement is not increased. The horizontal mancannons for the attackers that spawn at three minutes, however, are very nice, and get the attackers into the battle much faster. I'm not sure what you mean by "Keeping the defenders in the base." If they leave, they will die, which is rarely a good thing. Also, the VIP gametype is perfect for this map, as long as your VIP isn't an idiot (A problem with any game). He has no shield recharge, which means that he has no incentive to leave the base, plus, he gets a great view of the battle and is the "center of attention." :p

    First, that is an insanely huge sig. Second, you have to knock down the gate with the wraiths. Thus the point of the wraiths... Am I missing what you're trying to say?
    #4 X Morcam X, Jun 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2008
  5. REDSTAR 105

    REDSTAR 105 Ancient
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    It looks very good and creative! I dld'd it!
  6. Absurdist

    Absurdist Ancient
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    Looks great! I might just give it a DL. Did you say another fortress map?
    #6 Absurdist, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2008
  7. DrAyMeHr

    DrAyMeHr Ancient
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    oooh this looks fun to play with lots of people, i might download. I like the idea of blasting down the gates with huge blue fireballs of death! But couldn't the wraiths just shoot in and hope they hit the VIP? Anyway this looks good... 9/10

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    looks pretty good i like the use of dumpsters but maybe its too much cover i dont know, it would b great if u would hav turned those boxes so u get the stone wall feel, i looks really fun tho
  9. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    No, the wraiths cannot hit the VIP if he is where he should be. Up in his keep (The tall spot with the fence wall shield doors) he cannot be hurt by the wraiths. If he is not in the keep, and is on the wall, for example, yes, he can be shot. However, that is his fault, not mine. I gave him a perfect spot with an excellent view. If he chooses not to take that, he's probably going to die rather quickly. The worst thing he could do would be to jump out. It's not impossible for him to get back in (Grav jump on the boxes and on the wall) but in general, if he is dumb enough to jump out, he'll die.

    Yes, this is the third one I have released on this site. I'll put up links to the others, although I believe there is another on the first page. All have "Fortress" in the thread name.

    Ah, you mean turn the dumpsters into crates? Problem with that is, wraith shoots a couple times, no more cover on the wall. Ofc, I'm not sure if that's a bad thing :p
  10. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    This is probably the most popular fortress as of the time of this post. It doesn't the problem of everyone flying every which way from all the grav hammer hits on the gates, but is still quite fast paced. The keep is also very nice, compared to some of the others. (BTW, the shield door fence walls should become a standard for some new maps :p)
  11. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Since this is by far the favorite of all the fortress maps, I am in the process of remaking this. I'm actually taking some time on it, so I cannot be sure when it will be done.

    Coming Soon™
  12. Papaqueso

    Papaqueso Ancient
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    this looks really well made and fun to play with my friends. I'm definately gonna try it
  13. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Alright, since this is the only fortress post I'm still trying to keep alive, the new map is done, has been modified, and is being retested. No unfixed glitches so far, and it is somewhat interlocked (Once again, none for asthetic purposes only, not enough money to do so.) It has my first use of merging in a map, and it is probably the best looking map I've ever made.

    Coming Very Soon™
  14. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    seems kinda simple, but this is diffrent 3.5/5 ill check out
  15. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Sadly, it has to be quite simple/open to accomodate sword duels, snipers, and nubs. Also, the map itself really is quite simple, but if you use it with the gametype (which, unfortunately, many people do not like to DL) it very much changes the focus of the map. Also, $ is always a factor. The walls and gate are suprisingly expensive to make, and this map leaves you with no money left.

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