Streets Created by CANADAs ARMY EH Supported Gametypes: Slayer Oddball Territories Capture the flag everyting is built in that is on the list but has no gametype, bungie have all the regular settings, so it works there Map Description The town was abandoned as of 2000 and after two enemy ships land you have to fight for the control or perish in battle. In the year 2011 oil has grown scarce in the world and one nation with it controls it with power and wealth. This old town was made in 1971 when oil was discovered here but after a disease hit the people vanished. Know it is your turn to gain control of this town end the war _________________________________________________ Weapons list 4-Battle Rifle 2-Sniper Rifle 2-Brute Shot 2-Magnum 2-SMG 2-Spiker 2-Needler 2-Shotgun 2-Trip Mines 2-Bubble Shield 2-Deployable Cover 1-Rocket Luncher _________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL SUMMING-UP COMMENTS AND THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE also two things this is my first post and this map kinda has the same weapons late at narrows 2 snipers in back rocket in middle. download next to this
hmmm... have you ever tried making machinama sets yet? you have potential. i like the layout of the map, just not the best it could be. i suggest raising the wall/ boundries of the map to make it so people can't escape.
nice map u need to work on the fact that ur map has areas were it is to easy to get to the are were u want to get to
i am sorry this is my first map and post i hope i did a good job but i saw that it could have potential to get out but the map locked up with the money glitch.. this is one spot i see only and dark i dont understand ur post i am sorry could you restate ur post or make a little more clear for me or others
Very nice looking map, but the story does not quite fit. What type of ships land, is it the returning people or aliens, why would they want to fight over disease ridden oil?
they are fighting for oil and power since oil is rare so the ships lands to gain control over the area
This map looks sick! It is also very nice to find a Territories map here because no one usually posts Territories maps. It is also nice because it works with Oddball, Slayer, and CTF, too. A definite DL. Happy Forging! -Eli
This map is actually very well made, Aesthetically and the main structures. I especially like the fact it supports vehicles which is quite hard to achieve Good job. Your interlocking is neat and everything seems to placed well weapons spaced out and many aesthetics things to keep a fun maybe even an "RPG" feel to this map, However it seems this map can be escaped from I personally believe escaping is kinda sad but some people get pleasure from it (each to his own) and that is honestly the only negative aspect I can see GJ 4/5 from me but I wont rate thread because some one will always rate it lower to make their map look better
dude thanks as i said in the post before the money glitch broke and nothing could be made so i had nothing to add from getting oput of the map
good map I like the use of vehicles; you usually don't see that on foundry Also, it is good to see multiple story buildings and a center area... it seems that map control will be very important on this map because of the building layout and the rockets
looks pretty good its nicely detailed but a bit rushed someplaces i like the idea but i feel this should b in the casural or competetiv area not aesthetic
Ok This is Nemihara's tutorial to fixing broken money glitch maps. Original Post found Here With this in mind do you think you could remake a V2? It would definatly get my download and perhaps many more =]
Capture the Flag on this map would be some insane action, two thumbs up dude, nice job keep it up! 5/5
I'm glad that somebody finally got with the program and used upside-down bridges as sidewalks in a city map! I did the same with my infection city map; I guess great minds think alike! Love the map, looks crazy fun. I like your judicial use of street cones >.<
I see that you finally posted the map and BTW, did you use photobucket lol? But you should have included some action photos of me, well you know killing you in it. Forge pictures are annoying because of the spawn point thingys. And about the broken money glitch, why did you have to delete the doors? They're like the greatest items in the game.