Story It is the year of 2140, when a new alpha underground maze is built to prosecute the prisoners of jail. They are put in and their only chance of survival is to destroy their robot enemy and escape. The creator of this maze built in secret rooms in some parts, and places that wont be easily found if you don't look for them. Information: This map was made in two or three hours by me. It is built of mainly boxes, and walls and there is a great amount of interlocking. This was due to needing everything to be straight for better gameplay. There are quite a few paths in this level, and alot of dead ends. You may end up walking into a pallet which you break and go into a secret room. Or you may end up walking straight into the alpha zombie and dieing in one shot. The zombie is killable and you can survive the whole round or win if possible. The gametype is alpha infection, and a link will be posted under the screenshots. Sorry for the links to my file share, i have an error with getting the other link and ive notified soggydoghnuts about this, but dont let that stop you from downloading. Screenshots in forge mode The human spawn area. The entrance to the maze. Some of the first hallways. One of the secret rooms guarded by a pallet. A dead end. The zombie spawn. (don't go near there or you may die ) An overview from above the maze, so you can see what it is made of lol. Download link for : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download link for Alpha Infection (gametype) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Yup, theres no area outside, your trapped in the maze til everyone dies or you kill that stupid zombie
looks good i am dl'ed and nicely interlocked only thing is from what i see you have to crouch and it wont be that fast but still looks fun gj
Well, you do have to crouch which is why it is unique.. lol. Most mazes you just run away, this one you have to crouch and run away ^_^. The gametype also makes you go almost as fast as normally running anyways. Thankyou for feedback and comments everyone .
it was a very good map, dou to the fact that you interlocked well and gave the players different optional paths. the bad thing is that the maze is extremely small, and i know you have mats and budget enought to expand it, you were to lazy.
Actually, i was using a money glitch and if you go into forge, i was completley out of double walls, or at a very low amount and my double boxes are pretty much gone, so i couldnt add the walls at the side, and ive kept this in mine for the next time i make a maze infection map. As for the laziness part, im only lazy on thursdays and i made this on sunday
you don't need double boxen, you can use singleboxes if you take the time to do it, and the walls and fence boxes are pretty usefull here. for example you could put a fenxebox somewhere in the middle. that way, the scary elements gets higher when you see a glimse of the zombie through the fence. bridges aswell as dumpsters. crates and barriers are possible materials. i suggest you make a version 2 with a little expanded area. still a good concept though!