this is a really nice map the interlocking looks really nice and there is a blue room 4 all of you blue people overall 7/10
this map is creative, but i cant stand maps that include a massive bridge intersecting right down the middle of it 2/5 keep forging!
wow emerging killer maps seem to be a dime a dozen these days, huh? I think you should put your skills to making one amazing map instead of a bunch of ok ones. Not hating on you ok? Just put some more time into your work.
is it me or did you pay attention to one side of the map only because in the first pic i see some spawn points in front of the fort but no scenery/cover. but looks like your best map so far so good job
thanks for the comments guys and the spawn points for the attackers are in a bunker/box outside the fort
Thats considered bumping keep it up and see what the moderators do. PS make map packs instead of spaming maps.
In a few pics this map looks ok, but I just think that it looks to messy in some areas. And their has been far to many 'Fort' or 'Castle' maps and this is just another one. Ive seen 1 or 2 of your maps emerging, keep forging and you will come up with something that will blow all the other maps released at the time out of the water.
i have seen many castle maps and made some too and this one just seems to not be up to par you should try again though you are a good forger