Player's who have their names in grey may not be able to make it due to RRoD or other similair things. ENTRIES HAVE BEEN CLOSED. GROUPS HAVE BEEN PICKED NOW. Hello ForgeHub ENTRIES HAVE BEEN CLOSED. GROUPS HAVE BEEN PICKED NOW. The current rules are - There will be groups of 4. Each group will play 4 games each. With the winner of each match gaining 2 points and second place gaining 1. Then the top 2 of that group advancing into a second group and so on until there is a winner. There will be 3 game types in total, Slayer, MLG Slayer, Oddball, and KoTH. If there is a tie within the top 2 players, the player with the highest K/D spread in that group (across the matches) will win the tie. If the FFA is on your map, you may not participate in that group (set ups, rigging etc). The rules will be normal ffa or MLG according to map weapons. If you can't make it, you will be disqualified from that match and will gain 0 points. Unofficial FFA Tournament Groups Group A 6. bluepenguin23 7. THExAslynsVolvo 15. Fynis96 2. blackfox03 Group B 3. Ghost201 (GT = InnerSandman13 14. garsykat19 9. tropicalbert 1. zTo SoXFaN25 Group C 13. Tritive 4. LaTurno11 5. ezekeil20five17 16. Insanedrone822 Group D 10. TrioEnzyme (GT=Trio Enzyme) 12. Kamakse 8. Supa Midget (GT = Supa Midget000) 11. linubidix ENTRIES HAVE BEEN CLOSED. GROUPS HAVE BEEN PICKED NOW. P = Played W = Won L = Lost Pts = Points K/D = Kill death spread
I kind of see where you are going with this, so I'll sign-up Will everyone be playing on the same map since it is 16 ppl you want? How do the dif maps work? Map is the same for each bracket ranking, and then next ranking up it changes?
The Different maps work, by using different maps for different stages, like you said.# EDIT: And now can you use the form to enter
i will sign up. when will this be though? FH Username: zTo SoXFaN25 GamerTag: zTo SoXFaN25 Halo 3 Rank: 2 stars (commander i think) Highest Skill: 42 Any other information: when will this take place?
FH Username: blackfox03 GamerTag: blackfox03 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: Brigadier, Grade 1, 45. Any other information: I have all the maps. And a mic.
FH Username:Ghost201 GamerTag:InnerSandman13 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: Major Grade 2, and 32 in Lone Wolves Any other information: I have spent most of my time in custom games so this will be interesting and it explains my low rank.
alright.. im leaving in nine days for a three week trip to europe. i would love to play but.. thats not gonna work is it? tell me what your planning on for start time and if i might be able to play. i doubt it but i would love to join in
Good to see some more responses, and as for the starting date, I'll try to organise it as soon as we have enough people. UPDATE - Rules have also been edited.
FH Username: LaTurno11 GamerTag: LaTurno11 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: captain grade 2, 21 Any other information: i don't play matchmaking alot
FH Username:ezekeil20five17 GamerTag:ezekeil20five17 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill:36 2 star Any other information:no mic all maps woirking on a ffa map
fh user name: bluepenguin23 xbl g-tag: bluepenguin23 halo 3 rank and highest skill:lutnet grade 3 and lvl 11 in dubbles(yes i know that is horrible skill) Additional info: most the time i forge and play customs... that is why rank=low... all maps!
Sign me up for this. These are the kinda things I signed up for ForgeHub for. Playing on custom maps. FH Username: THExAslynsVolvo GamerTag: THExAslynsVolvo Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: Brigadier Grade 2, Highest Skill 46 Legendary Maps: Yes
FH Username: Insanedrone822 GamerTag:Insanedrone822 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: Brigadier/46 Legendary Maps: No
If its on normal FFA -MLG is just gih- i'd love to be in it. Loved the 1v1 and bin looking for forged tourney's. GT:Supa Midget000 Rank and whatever:Major grade 3(yeah...3...i know...sad panda) highest skill 34 Legendary mpas:Hell yes!Avalanche pwns
Change the name of this. It is not an official Forgehub competition, so do not call it 'FFA Forgehub Tournament.'