Photoshop Resource Thread The entire idea of this thread is so the community can learn to photoshop from each other. Here you can post; Brushes - they are cool and other people should check out, Fonts - There all-ways nice to see, I've noticed a lot of them lately, Tutorials - Explain cool effects your learned that would help people. Videos - video's you might have found on the internet explaining stuff. Signatures -Give some tips about signatures people could use, Etc.. Or even just discuss the program all togeather. After you submit an Brush,Font,Tutorial,Video or Signature I will add it to the index. This will come in handy for people learning how to use the program. Index Fonts: (These work on any other word program as-well) Halo font 28 Days later Font Brushes: Blood-splatter pack 1 Photoshop Brushes - Free Photoshop Brushes at Brusheezy! Tutorials: Photoshop Tutorials - PSDTUTS Videos: Remove Un-wanted elements How to in-stall fonts onto your computer If i have missed a sub-header or any other type of submission type, PM me and ill ad it to the list.
two reasons First is that There is no others like this so i guess you could call it orginal second i said so.
As admirable as it may be to want to make something like this, as Nemi stated you can't call it official, I thought that would be obvious and this thread seems somewhat laking in anything helpful... Basically all you need to do is post three link and you have pretty much everything you want PSDTUTS Brusheezy
I think you completely missed the point of what I said... EDIT: One other thing that was mentioned, why is this in general chat and not G&A?
I know what you ment. We don't need hundreds of links and you really only need the three you gave me. The point of this is to save the time of browing through the sites or running serchs. I added thoes links because some people might want to go through them but i mean like if i was after a halo font.. boom right there. it saves the time and yes it should be moved to G&A....
This thread is officially off topic. This is a warning: Stay on topic or this thread will be moved to "Off Topic" For now, I am moving it to "Graphics and Arts" section, where this belongs.