FIGHT CLUB Created by:WWAR MadMax DOWNLOAD HERE WORKS WITH THE GAMETYPE FIGHT v1.2 This is the newest instalment in the ever so growing popular fight club. I created the first fight club about 2 months ago and I became possesed 2 make it perfect. after many test and versions i came up for the perfect fight club. It is a tourney the can hold 8 people but NO MORE. every 30 seconds a grav appears to bring u to the next arena. u will love it but be careful you only have one life don't waste it WARNING: this game requires a very good honor system. That means you might want to explain the rules to people before the game starts and make sure they go through the gravlift or jump on the stairs. This is how the game works: First you CAN"T HAVE MORE THAN 8 PEOPLE. NExt you will start across from someone. if you have less than 8 people some people have a bye to the simi-finals or someone kills themself. Use the gametype Fight v1.2 because it is designed to start everyone with one life. Any wepons can be used. some people even turn on invis. once you kill someone, 30sec into the game a grav lift will appear you jump on it and it will bring you to the simi-finals arena.(note: for some the telle will bring you to the same cage you were in but now with an extra person to fight. then when u kill that person 60sec into the game, stairs will appear. You jump on the stairs then jump into the telle. That will bring you to the finals were you kill the last person and become victorious. Please note: it ruins the gameplay when someone camps behind the telle; it has been know that some people may lag through the telle, watch for that. Comment and tell me how you like it. this is a new idea and i hope you like it.
I read this pretty thouroghly and I can't see why it would require the honor rule. There is nothing that people have too follow because you are always in a room with only one person, and there is no way to get into another room and kill them before something. The map looks ok, but I love the idea... As you pointed out, the only rule to be followed is to not get stuck behind the teleporter to the finals, because you ruin the game, but other than that, the honor rule would not be required.
i know sometimes when you don't explain the rules it goes crazy but if you get eight people and explain it then it gets really fun. we would play this for hours at a time. Most people love to put random wepions. so you never know that that guy across from you could have a rocket or a plasma pistol.
but what if for instance, Zowabashi someone goes through the grav lift first and camps behind the opposite telly asasanating you. thats were the honor rules come in
Ok, I get that, but I was assuming that by thirty seconds into the game, both people would be prepared for the gravity lifts to spawn. So in fact, no one would be camping, cause they would be there at the same time
you can never expect people do do what you want. some dum but might still want to tea bag that body for a few more seconds or might not notice that the grav lift respawned
Im sorry this might be an awesome map to play and what have you, But why on earth did you post this in competetive? Could you see this being played in a ranked playlist? I cant dont get me wrong its a good CASUAL or even MINIGAME map but its certainly not a competetive map people need to be told that competetive maps are gennerally maps that support alot of gametypes and balanced team play, whilst casual and mini games are armoury style maps with lots of mansions. As its unfair just to post this Ill say this map is very inovative and cleverly made, however honor rules usually end up in the played called dave ruining things but hey not all daves are the same
Chicken Dippah when i made the map, a few month ago i expected to use it for tourneys and stuff that you can get competetive about. I see your point about casual maps but i think it could go ether way so i chose competetive.
this map is awlsome. me and my friends play it all the time. the game is so fun and you can play it for hours