Chillout! The Bungie Surprise announcement at mlg San Diego was a remake of the halo CE map chillout. Discuss how awesome this is.
way to listen bungie lol but do we really need that? i mean we got a very accurate remake for a featured map
I see what you mean, they are crappy pics. But they're all we've got, so far. I wonder when it'll be available to the general public.
Bungie maps>>>>>>>>forge maps Nexn's version is also budget glitched, doesn't run 4v4 very well, and is still just a foundry map. Looks like the expanded the map a bit which is certainly a good thing.
Trying to compare a Foundry Forged Remake to an Actual remake is like saying TNA is better than WWE. It just cant work, real remakes(from Bungie) crap all over foundry maps, its just fact. They cant compare. I dont have anything against remaking maps on foundry, but when you try to say its just as good when Bungie actually remake it is just stupid.
So is this supposed to be 'Purple Reign' or are we getting a Midship remake as well? Either way, that's totally bad ass. I loved Chill Out.
seriously, for some reason i read bungie forums and never have i seen a thread "bR1ng meee mai Ch1ll 0u7 R3@mke pl0x!1!!11!one!1!1!!" i would prefer another bg and definently sanctuary or midship. i would bowdown (not really) for headlong
dont get me wrong i love small maps i would LOVE to see damnation again but who asked for chill out? maybe every1 including me is overacting so what there is going to be 2 arena maps but there are still 2 more maps.
Bungie seem to make maps to satisfy 2 communities. MLG & Forge. They've done Foundry for us and it appears they're gonna do arena maps, perfect for MLG.
Yeah I think mlg would love nothing more than to have the next map pack be purple reign, sanctuary, and chillout. I would love that as well.
Oh of course everyone would love that, but what I dont love is that there's a good chance that a lot of the new maps will be remakes. They are and will be great, no doubt about it but what I'd love is a new map that is really uniquw and original. The only map that I'd love to have remade is Headlong.
I heard that Purple Reign was an original map. . . but either way, I more than agree with you that we need a midship remake.
crap pack. mlg isn't even a majority of the community in fact most people like me dont find it fun. its for people that get bullied at school and be all like "at least i can show people how cool i am by practicing br/snipes on gaurdian for 5 hours a day" and i know that the gaurdian part is a fact because every person i play that on has MLG has a gamer pic.
You don't like maps like guardian, pit, and construct? The default weaponset isn't going to be mlg or anything, maybe you should look at the pack from how the maps play rather than who wants them.