This thread was beyond its time, still today [22/02/09] threads with the same purpose are created. Thankfully I was first, if you look at the list below. Many of those are staff, loyal etc. but they weren't then, shows how far we come. The idea is simple, we all love to relax and play games. Each with characters more special than the next. But which stood out? He/she will never grow old, to you, the games will never tire, you still chuckle at thier cheesey one liners, or quote them in real life situations. I'll start the ball rolling, Dante. From the Devil may cry series, you may see him in my sig or Avatar, I was going to give a big description on him and why hes my favourite but at the moment I'm rather busy, can we get a rain check? p.s a pic to go would b great!. And this is not to find who is the best, its to find who you feel is. Fav game characters so far... DRiSCOLL - Dante Insane54 - Sam Fisher arch3m - Nameless fps Grunt #3 Titmar - seifer Asper49 - Spyro GoodWhaleSushi - DJ Professor K Biggles2 - Big Daddy BattyMan - Godot hotpokkaminny - Falco Waylander - Snake ToochieHxC - Link BiznizHippie - Lance vance Albyhouse - MetaKnight Humboys - Squirtle with sunglasses Actualy Cool - Link Lamposts - John 117 linubidix - Altair laturno11 - Sub-Zero Citizyn Raven - HK-47 Mortarion - Johnson/Mario Macka654 - Arbiter Bib Bob - Mrs Packman Kamakse - Reos and Salem Attacaine - Ridely/Meta Knight Randle Scandle - Baldur JayClash - Ash Ketchum Chicken Dippah - Croc Ezekeil20five17 - Snake/Gordan Freeman Garsykat19 - Sam "serious" Stone Shadow Viper - Sephiroth Zto Norlinksy - Ryan Howard Admiral Alpha - Master chief/Gordon Freeman Eyeless SiD - SGT Marine Chief Wiggum 00 - Mario Cortinator - Christopher Stone LightningNinja2 - Jak Kayaman132 - Cortana DrawingMan - Sonic Overthehodge - Snake
I'd have to say....gahd idk. im stuck between charmander/pikachu (or just pokemon in general) and umm...mario..because i grew up with both. i love them both
Lance Vance from gta vice city evan though he betrays he was chill till the end and in the prequel vice city stories o and the "Lance Vance Dance!" Or Sargent Johnson. Do i need to explain? He is the Samuel Jackson of video games
I can't believe i'm the first to say this, Link, I grew up playing ONLY zelda games, no others could be worth my time, untill I turned 11...
i cant believe i forgot zelda. he is above mario for me. my brain was farting when i replied to this thread...
Zelda by far no questions. Link is the sickest of all game characters. Someone lock this thread because the coolest one has been announced.