i am already working on the Fall map and for some strange reason i am making it so you can play the map in all game types...
you have been peeking, and forgot about Last Resort i will be releasing those soon, maybe tomorrow - i saw another Avalanche map posted recently and i didn't want to step on any toes ... it's a polite Canadian thing
Lol, polite Canadian thing... (GO CANADA w00t) So you're making Grifball Maps on Sandtrap, Avalanche, and Last Resort, or do you mean normal maps, like Slayer or something. Not that this isn't a normal map. Grifball's normal. Uh... *Sits quietly and shuts up*
made maps on Sandtrap, Avalanche, and Last Resort they finally got a good testing by by actual members of actual grifball teams, but i will post them separately to avoid confusion with this official map btw, the Sandtrap map is a BLAST! with the Low G(rif) ball game type - even with 2 players per team