Too many infection maps!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Aclopolipse, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    All I'm saying is that I'm tired of Competitive, Casual, and Minigame map sections flooded with real boring, repetitive infection maps.
  2. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I hate to say this but people have been making gametypes like that since the dawn of time.
    Hopefully youll be able to stick some cool stuff into the map aswell,i jsut thought i'd tell you so you dont use it as your selling point.
    Lol whatever you do don't play that with me,when i start as a zombie ill usually say something along the lines of "oh sh***"....which may give your game away :D

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    thats because in halo 2 thats all ppl played like mike myers in rainbow 6 vegas. so now every1 expects if they make a infection map lots of ppl will download in my opinion keep it up
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    i think im done with infection. I made two infection maps, the rest are assault, CTF or something but now im done, it gets WAY too repetitive
  5. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    There is nothing fun about omega journey. It sucks, end of story. There is nothing to talk about.
  6. Sixpakvb

    Sixpakvb Ancient
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    Please enlighten me. What is wrong with the map if you play the gametype specified? It causes humans to use teamwork to hold off zombies, and teamwork for the zombies. It's not fat man or what ever that thing is called, where the zombie is almost invincible,the humans have good weapons, and the infected suck, but where zombies actually have a good chance and are fun to play. There is no spawn camping, no place to hide, no surviving without teamwork. So please enlighten me, how is it not fun if you play the correct gametype? I've never seen everyone in the party want to play a map 4 times again,and have never even seen the whole party even want to play a map 2 times in a row. Personally, there are only about 4 infection maps I've played that were actually fun for both the humans and zombies, this included. Sorry if it sounds like you shouldn't have an opinion, but I just want to know...what's wrong with it if you play the right gametype?
  7. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Are you sure you're not just looking in the Casual Map Section all the time?
  8. Revelation-Six

    Revelation-Six Ancient
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    I wouldn't say that is a fair statement. I like infection because it allows me to just have fun and goof around. Most of my friends are very competitive players and they are almost all of level 45 to 50. When I play with them, I feel like I need to bring my best game every game... ranked or unranked. That's cool but sometimes it's better to just play an inconsequential game of zombies or grifball. I wouldn't say that makes me an idiot. I think it's important to judge each person as an individual and not make categorical statements like this.

    In addition, I did just make an infection map (Stargate Wars) with gametype and I must say that the zombies have a pretty good advantage. The games are not long and drawnout. It's fast paced and intense. The "fortress" is far from impenetrable and the zombies actually have ranged weapons. I made it for the fun of having fun.
    #28 Revelation-Six, Apr 21, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  9. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    We never said all people were like that,just a vast majority.
    Were talking about "those " people that ONLY play infection.....EVER....
    and still suck at it :S lol
  10. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    The thing that gets me the most in infection games are: crappy gametypes, and weapon rooms/armories. They piss me off.
  11. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    The problem is when someone makes a fair map or gamtype the morons moan.
    Ive made 2 very fair gametypes
    "Borg Attack" and "Nemesis"
    in Borg attack the zombies have plasma puistols, swords and shields but move slow and cant jump (sounds a little unfair I know) but the humans have no shields and only pistols but the problem was people maoned because "The zombies are too strong" or "we cant kill them"

    And Nemesis was my fairest gametype it was based unfortunately on Fat Kid but adjuested to work better.
    The Alpha Zombie is the Nemesis and is slow but like the Fat Kid hes super tough just not to the extent he cant be killed as concentrating headshots on him will kill him. The pay off to the speed being low was he got a grav hammer and a rocket launcher as starting weapons ( meaning that he can blast barricades down and can knock down stairway to heavens or sky forts) the rocekt laucher also serves to stop vehicles. When infected as is tradition the zombies are fast and weak but can get shields by killing and aswell as the sword they have a pistol.

    The big objection with the gametype when I tested it was "its unfair to give the zombie a rocket launcher" mainly because again the morons who like barricaded maps dont want to actually have a challange they just want to shoot moving targets.
  12. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    All infection maps that are posted in any forum other than casual, should be locked without hesitation. Maybe mini-game can work too, but it depends on the map/gametype.

  13. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Although most infection maps do give the humans an unfair advantage (i.e. impenetrable fortresses, overpowered armories), there are those that are actually balanced and extremely fun to play on. In my experience, a balanced infection map needs to have multiple attack routes for the infected and no camping spots. Teamwork should be vital; a two year old camping by himself at the end of a long hallway with a turret does not make for good game play.

    Anyway, I pride myself on being the best damn zombie around, and love finding holes in peoples maps. I love trashing their dreams of zombie pwng.

    "Haha i iz so 1337. These zombiez r such n00bs" *slash* *scream* *nomnomnomnom*
  14. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    the only infection game i hate is those god damn convoy maps on sandtrap. they piss me of so much.
  15. LEGION

    LEGION Ancient
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    Ok were to start, So I've made a couple of maps usually ctf odd ball slayer koth u Know objective maps
    so here I go and decide to try something new and create a Infection map lol and to my surprise
    I see this thread lol….why o why didn’t I see this thread earlier……
    so I'm reading this bad boy (thread) so I don’t make the same mistakes on my map (with the major mistake being just don’t do it)

    so let me get this straight

    cool I'm deffenatly staying away from that no basses and no mazes my map is all open spaces there are no rooms or ceilings in my map

    ok I'll remember that one "don’t make the zombie slow….ohhh and no armories that’s a must

    Ok so be original. Right? No swords, no hammers, make sure that the zombie has mid ranged weapons as well as power weapons, right?

    Ill make sure that there is no camping spots and make the map where it will force the humans to keep moving ahhhhhhh ok I got it

    and then there this comment

    "ouch this one hurts the most I just turned 30 last feb hahaha seriously "mid life crisis" are u kidding me I at lest have like 6 more months before a mid life crises lol but all kidding aside "Supa Midget" suck a fat one and if your name holds true your already low to the ground so it wont take to much effort on your part

  16. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    I would like to take this time to say that all of you are basically pointing out the majority of infection maps/gametypes. Yes, these are true, but some people try and make it fair for both sides and don't just make giant fortresses.

    For me, I try and build a balanced infection map. I don't have giant fortresses or impossible-to-kill-the-humans. However, I do have what you guys call "armories", but I don't make them overpowered.

    It consists of very weak starting weapons to give you a chance to kill the zombies without having too much trouble, but if you travel through out the map you get more powerful weapons, but with a price of being able to get snuck upon and owned (i make it so humans don't have radar and zombies do).

    All these zomby maps getting posted give infection maps a bad rep, I for one have many balanced maps all using one fair infection gametype. And there aren't super forts that you just stand in and kill all the zombies that come running up (except for one on Last Resort lol forgot about that, but I tried to give the zombies a fair chance to sneak up on them with teleporters).

    I could post these maps but they were made on the starting maps of Halo 3 and the one on Foundry isn't interlocked (not that it needs to be, but people like interlocking too much now)
  17. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Necroposting much?
    Like i give two sh**'s what <random generic douche over the internet> thinks about my opinion regarding infection maps.
    And judging by your post id say your about 9 so yeah,enjoy the chocolate milk :p
    #37 Supa Midget, Jun 14, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2008
  18. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I think the reason why infection is so popular is because it isn't a standard gametype in matchmaking, so when people do custom games, they immediately jump to infection because not only its different than the norm and theres not much strategy involved typically. the problem with infection is that people don't put time limits on the games so what happens is it's just play until the zombies kill you, which really makes it pointless to play as only one side can win.
  19. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    even on gametypes such as fatkid with the omega journey or whatever those maps (long tunnels you gotta get out of in foundry). people still camp by either just constantly stay in the same spot shooting at the fat kid, or hiding behind teleporters and killing zombies when the come out or what have you. it is something that I don't think you can really ever get rid of.
  20. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    yeh I tend to look for alternate ways in, Im infamous amongst some groups of infection players for destroying the close the door 2 variant which was an impenetrable fortress with teleporters blocking the entrace and all sending you back to one in the sky, the problem was as the guy was making it I was there hiding from view editing walls and barricades until I made a barricade into a secretly collapsing one and simple walked round behind the humans, they never even saw it coming

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