This map is based on the game Fable one of the best games xbox has ever seen. This map is best for infection,Team Slayer,and 1 flag. DOWNLOAD MAP HERE- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing (TOWER) (ARMORY) (FRONT VIEW)
hmm, i like fable, but this tower is very sloppy, please include a better description, it would help very much
If you are going to steal a map,at least give credit to the REAL creator, or a better idea.............DONT STEAL MAPS!
Ok, ok, we get it. Please provide a link proving this. No one else say this because that would be spam.
Uhm i think you really madde it worse cuz you didnt even interlock morst of your scenery and outside is empty you shouldve added more flavor and spice it up atleast heres the map he stole. He stole the map Fort la Roquev2
I messaged a mod already but you can aswell so this map stealer can be dealt with quicker. MAP STEALING IS UNFORGIVABLE.