No, you can't. That is an interesting concept, but not one I would really care to ad. But it is just there to add an extrusion and for looks, can't go inside, sorry.
no, that was a personal opinion. everytime i see that i end up getting killed because i think its the most fascinating thing ever and just look at it. I have add. and brute captain should suck up to me, i'm his role model actually.
sometimes, i hate you. really. lol once again, a completely original and memorable map. you have this certain style to your building and i am in love with it. please continue your work.
this look freaking awesome. A definate dl from me. I'll report back with my findings. Some aspects of this remind me of reflex. I love... all of it. The forging in this map looks to be some of the best I've seen. Congrats. I'll be back later to disect this.
Yay i think i made it into a picture! Great fun brute looks beatiful and i got a kick out of it only thing i noticed was playing normal slayer at the beggining the spawns were close but other than that it was great and the spawn at beginnign isnt even a big problem Great job enjoyed playtesting i will show you mine tommorow or a day or 2 im having some big challenges with it such as objects not enough walls darnit
Wow what an exceptional map that you have made here. There so many thing that are done so neat and swell lol. But really i like the geo merging, how those curved bridges are, the interlocking, and how awesome this is going to be to play on!
ZOMFG!!! DUDE!!! This is the most awsome map EVAR! I can't believe that you merged all those thing so nicely! 5/5! lol it seems like all the awsome maps always have really strange names ^^
Ok for this, you can has epic winsauce... it's beautiful... teh window panelz... teh walls... Dem dumpsters... Those stairs... Just wow? Kthxbai.
Yeah, you made it in. And I did fix the spawns. rusty eagle helped me before I released it, I took out a few and the main thing was just changning the direction the player was facing when spawning. But, yay, I fixed it so you can get back to playing.
Wow, this looks very impressive. One of these days I'll be able to play a game again and this will definitely be on the top of the list.
some of the techniques used in the map look like they'd take a long time to master, let alone a whole map. Looks like an instant forge classic, some of these maps coming out the days are so well created, it's the forge renaissance.
**** dude...are you seriously still pumping out the ridiculousness...i really must know your secret...i just hope you don't get too good, or you won't love me anymore =[ also, i basically loved everything, there's been alot said already, so ima keep it short n sweet, the one thing i didn't like was the skyscraping singlebox-dumpster combo, im sure you do, but meh...doesn't look too appealing
Conflict resolved, but I will keep the quote up as a reminder of our sins..... (And Matty's edit ROFL)
lol, it only took 3 hours for someone to request that this thread get unlocked. I liked the use of mounting (for those of you who are scratching yer heads and throwing your feces in frustration over this complex, mind-blowing term, it means the weapon-holder-in-the-wall thing), and peoples, the wall-in-the-stairs thingy is not only an aesthetic touch (though it may only have meant to be). It also prevents players from shooting opponents (or allies, for people into that kind of thing) on the other side of it. Very well done. O Captain My Captain.
Ok everyone, I have updated the map, if you have previously downloaded the map before, and I know there were like 200 of you, please do so again. This version is more balanced, more fun, and just better.