GBSML08 - Grifball Summer League Official Map

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by NOKYARD, Jun 12, 2008.


    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The Grifball Summer League 2008 Official Map
    Now with 100% more Truck!

    Hold it right there! Please do not respond with a "wrong forum" message as you would normally do for a Grifball map. The description for Competitive Maps states "maps of a competitive nature which includes submissions that usually would be seen in matchmaking or at gaming tournaments". This map has been seen in official Grifball Tournaments, as announced at, and Shishka himself has announced that it will appear in next months Double EXP Weekend. Now you get a chance to get used to the map before it makes the Matchmaking Playlist.

    From the post:
    That's right, due to popular demand, the truck is back in it's crane suspended glory!

    The truck is locked it into position so it can not fall from the crane,
    We found a balance between nostalgia and practicality by making it more difficult to get on the truck.
    You can still get on the front bumper if you are lucky, but the rest is off limits due to the box placed above it.

    It now sports a pair of horns for a more aggressive, bull-like look.
    Love it, or hate it, the Grifball Commissioner says the truck is here to stay!

    The map is nearly 100% unbreakable and there are no places to stand above the floor.

    The main wall has been replaced with a stronger looking wall made of bridges and shipping containers.


    It is smooth, flat and perfectly square.

    When you think about it, what would make a stronger wall? A flimsy, rusty sheet metal wall that could (in reality) be knocked over with a large hammer, or a shipping container which was designed to be hurled into space at super-sonic speeds.

    The map has been successfully tested in several smaller tournaments and has been given the 'thumbs-up' from some of Grifball's toughest map critics.

    Please visit for more information on how to join in on the fun before the Summer Season starts.

    Use GBSL08 Game Type for now, a replacement may be announced before the season starts.

    All positive comments will be considered for the official Fall Season map. I have already planned to push double boxes into the clear side walls of the central structure, the walls that are there right now (you have to look real close to see them) were patches made just seconds before it's official release.
  2. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    It's good to see the grifball map has been neatened up. I thought the old one was extremely sloppy and definetly needed alot of anti-cheat precations added. The new truck is extremely good, those angry horns are sure to keep away people trying to jump up there.

    Even though this is very small I think the top bridge on the big doors could have been interlocked, it looks kinda sloppy.
  3. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    Why not just merge a box/double box with the crane?

    and just cause I can, no matter how you slice it, grifball is a mini-game.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    they are interlocked

    the sloped angle is to prevent players from standing on top of the garage doors with minimal intrusion into the playing area - there was much more time and effort spent getting this area fixed than it looks like at first glance

    that was the original plan


    but the commissioner wanted the truck brought back for traditional and sentimental reasons - he wanted to remind the players that the game is meant to be fun, as well as competitive

    EDIT *competitive
    #4 NOKYARD, Jun 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2008
  5. murdermac

    murdermac Ancient
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    Griffball really is contagious
  6. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    wtf if completive? lol jk
    this map is sooooooooo clean... there's NO WAY any noobs can get out of this one. nice job 5/5
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I must say that it looks beutiful, although i do miss cheating on the game lol, but i only cheated when my team had over 3 points so it doesnt matter what we did.
    It must have been painstaking to make that flat surface and the truckless griffball map right now makes me wanna cry...
    nice job, the best griffball map ive seen sofar
  8. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Why, oh why, couldn't foundry have JUST been a rectangular prism?
  9. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    honestly it is neater but I dont know how much this map goes as copyrighting becasue bungie and burnie might get pissed just a thought. otherwise 5/5
  10. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    Honestly, chances are, someone is going to find a way out/discover an exploit or two.
  11. Dyepb07

    Dyepb07 Ancient
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    If they do a double exp grifball again this should no doubt be the map to play it on, not that other poop map.
  12. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    The back wall is beautiful
  13. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    very nice. it looks very smooth. nice merging on the crane. but i think the truck should be there. but nice job
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Already DLed it and it looks great! Can't wait for Summer League! What team are you on?
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Are you sure that this is the 'official' map? So that would make you one of the Staff at rooster teeth?

    Also this is a mini-game. Maps that require a specific gametype are generally not competative maps. Competative maps support all different kinds of gametypes.


    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    close, i am one of the staff at HighSpeedHalo - if you had followed the links on the first post you would quickly realize that this is the official Grifball map

    Burnie hired Jack to be the Summer League Commissioner, the Commissioner chooses the map, Jack chose the map which i created with the help and guidance of some of the other admins, and announced it here

    so if the link in the news item points to this exact map, how can there be any confusion on the matter?
    my schedule is quite busy and i haven't decided if i am going to join a team, i will play 30-40 games this weekend and decide after - but i will most likely just join as a team mascot and only play if no one else shows up
    please read the first post again - the truck is back
    exploit, maybe - find a way out, never
    just like that other real-life mini-game - you know, the one where they kick a black and white ball around a field and try so put it in a net ... what do they call that game again? football? (soccer)
    then i challenge you to re-word the description in the forum index as i think your description lacks clarity
    "maps of a competitive nature which includes submissions that usually would be seen in matchmaking" exactly describes this map - it will be seen in matchmaking, where 99.9% of the other maps here will not - i don't think they played Grifball in Mario Party

    i am not trying to be argumentative here, the other unofficial Grifball maps i will be showcasing here will be posted in the mini-game or casual maps forums, but i believe that a map which will actually see action in a matchmaking playlist should be considered for the competitive forum, no matter what the intended game type is
    #16 NOKYARD, Jun 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2008
  17. Zebra

    Zebra Ancient
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    Nokyard does have a point, this has been considered a competitive online sport, it has been on the Double XP Weekend playlist every month so far. Let's remember, Swat used to be a Doouble XP weekend game but then it became a competitive game later on.

    Hey Nokyard, you could be our mascot(That One Team) if you'd like! =D

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i forge with That One Punk and you guys have been great supporters of my work - i would be honoured to be an honourary member of an honourable team like ToT - as long as i don't have to play

    will i have to wear the circular saw costume? it looks painfull
  19. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
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    YAY!!! the truck is back with horns finally but the double exp for halo doesnt use this court:(
    i love the horns too nice touch ;)
  20. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    and when someone does, someone is going to fix it

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