Lights Out v4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Grey Benefit, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yay, my first map! (Or the first I’ve posted anyway)

    Update: New pics are up. Hopefully they're a little easier to see.
    Update2: Lights On now available!! Don't like darkness? Play in the light!

    Download Map – Lights Out v4
    Download Map - Lights On (Lights Out without FX)

    Download Gametype – Outbr8kProtocol

    I’m a big fan of infection (no, don’t go, please), but I’m also aware of some of the problems that arise from a bad Infection map (boredom, death threats etc.), especially those that are imbalanced. Nobody wants to stand around wasting feeble zombies, and nor do they want to be cut down instantly by super-fast, invulnerable zombies. So I’ve always tried to make my maps fair (usually by blocking off camping spots).

    But during my run through of Blackout, swapping weapons for their human counterparts, I decided that I could do better than this. With the scope and scale available due to forge, simple weapon swaps seemed somewhat beneath me, so I decided to try something different and make an entirely new map for Infection. Of course, this was easier said than done. The only ideas I had were that the zombies would be contained, and after 30 seconds, the power would fail and release them.

    Obviously, that left me with rather little to work with. But, being stubborn, rather than backing off and planning it, I just made the containment cell. From there, in that one forging session, I designed the whole map, the aim, the premise, everything.

    One of my key goals was to eliminate the standard “kill stuff for points” gameplay. Zombies aren’t targets, they’re scary. But I also didn’t want a super-zombie. So I introduced a new villain to instil fear in the Humans: Their ammo counters. By limiting ammunition (not an original idea by any account), but promising more if they should continue through the level as dictated by me, I essentially force the Humans to do things my way, without requiring honour rules (Nothing special, but a key part in the design process). From there, I just had to create the map itself.

    In the end, the map became essentially a long, winding path, leading eventually to a “safehouse” and Evac point. Fear not though, it may be the most easily defended spot in the map, but it’s anything but safe, and the Infected will not have their enjoyment of the game hampered. The map uses almost the entirety of Blackout, with the only sections off limits being the corridors between Bottom Middle, S1 and Bottom Lift. Regardless of this fact, it is possible to traverse the majority of the level and reach the Evac point within just under 3 minutes.

    Anyway, with the history and boring stuff out of the way, on with the map!

    The premise is simple, although not exactly original I must admit. Facility 04-662 was originally commissioned by the government to carry out illegal genetic experiments upon convicts (“after all, no-one’s going to miss them”). But they were rumbled and had to pull funding, leaving the large floating facility to die. But reluctant to leave their experiments, a number of scientists opted to stay, along with a number of mercenaries who had been promised a cut in any profit that may arise.


    However, without power and no maintenance, things begin to go wrong. Large sections of the structure have been damaged in storms, and scaffolding is now the prevalent feature. Finally, the power gives out, and the Experiments (for all intents and purposes, zombies) escape. Of course, the facility is not entirely without defenses, and goes into lockdown. Unfortunately, there is clearly something wring with the system, and a number of areas are left open. Including the corridor between the labs and the barracks.

    Game and gameplay
    At the beginning of the round, the Infected spawn inside the laboratory, secure and unable to leave. There is a proportionate number of Infected to the number of Humans (25%). The Humans spawn in the Barracks, with a minor weapon load-out (see below for more details), along with starting weapons of Assault Rifle and Magnum. (There are also two Fusion Coils).

    A zombie lurking in the sealed-off lab

    30 seconds into the game, the power cuts (Juicy and Gloomy FX) and Fusion Coils drop from the sky and allow the Infected to escape. The Humans must hold fast against the attack whilst “Jones” attempts to activate a “ladder” (grav lift) allowing escape into the “maintenance tunnels” between floors. This appears at 45 seconds into the game.


    At this point is a major opportunity for some easy kills as an infected player, especially if everyone attempts to escape at once. They will be distracted and less likely to be firing at you.

    Once down the hatch to Sword Spawn, the Humans will find that the only available route takes them into Bottom Middle, right past the door to the lower labs. Fortunately, there are no zombies in there. Yet.

    But at the 1 minute mark, the box blocking their access is moved by a mancannon (please note that a player will have to touch the crate before it will actually move) and the zombies have a shortcut to the lower levels.


    The Humans proceed through the “tunnels” into Bottom Middle, and from there drop down to the next floor (Red Room and Bottom Lift). Once again, they find their path blocked by a door and a feature I like to call the “Great Badly Interlocked Wall of Random ****”. This forces them to continue up into the lift and up to Top Lift. It is in this room that the Humans must make another stand, as all exits are blocked until another “ladder” can be raised.

    There are two shotguns in this room, both with a spare clip, but other than that, very little. Once the 2 minute mark has been reached, another “ladder” will appear, and the humans are able to escape through Bottom Lift onto the Elbow and into S1.


    The Humans will once again find that doors block the conventional exits (and it is impossible to jump to S1 ramp, as it has been blocked off). After some bumping around in the dark, they will find some crates and boxes forming stairs up to S2 (through the hatch in the ceiling). Be careful, if you’ve taken a particularly long time to get here, there may be a zombie lying in wait.

    It's harder than it looks

    From S2, the humans have a fair degree of freedom, and are able to access much of the exterior of the facility (as well as admire some of the scaffolding on Top BR). This is their destination, and it is accessed by a set of stairs running up the front of the base.. Once there, they will find another weapon load-out, and that they are now at a dead-end.


    Of course, with the Infected spawning at the other side of the level (although technically, just one floor beneath the humans), running through the level to get to the Humans, only to be shot down as they come up the single, predictable access route, is not fun. Not at all.

    So to counter this? Super-jumping zombie insanity bought on by mutation caused by exposure to the outside air (as opposed to the whatever-the-hell-it-was in the lab). This takes the form of mancannons and a grav lift, which allow alternate routes into the Evac site, as well as a faster method of travel to the front of the site.

    The first is to be found directly outside of the laboratory, on the first floor. It will take the infected up and over the right wall of the Evac site, providing death from above. But once this is realised, there will inevitable be someone with a shotgun lying in wait for your ascent.


    The second is to be found on the walkways that make up the maintenance tunnels, and will propel the Infected player onto the Helipad to the front of the “base”. This provides long lines of sight for the Humans, but prevents them from wiping you out with a sneaky shotgun blast.


    The final route is found to the right of the lower door (as you leave through it), and will take the Infected player over a wall and to the side ramp leading from Bottom BR to Top BR. The walk is longer than the others, especially as the player will wish to remain crouched so as to avoid detection as they come up behind the humans, but their superior jumping ability and the element of surprise may net the player some easy kills.

    Photobucket made it go all turquoise :S

    Weapon Load-out

    1 x Battle Rifle (2 clip)
    1 x Grenade (Frag)
    1 x SMG (2 clips)
    1 x Magnum (1 clips)
    2 x Assault Rifle (1 clips)

    Evac Site
    1 x Battle Rifle (2 clips)
    1 x Shotgun (2 clips)
    2 x SMG (2 clips)
    1 x Grenade (Frag)

    Hidden Throughout Level (Some more-so than others)
    3 x Shotgun (1 clip)
    1 x Shotgun (0 clips)
    3 x Trip Mine
    2 x Grenade (Frag)
    4x Magnum (1 clip)
    1 x SMG(1 Clip)

    1x SMG (0 clips)

    2 x Assault Rifle (1 clip)
    1 x Sniper Rifle (2 clips)

    None of the weapons respawn. At all. So try not to waste ammo, eh?

    More Screenshots -

    Download Map – Lights Out v4
    Download Map - Lights On (Lights Out without FX)

    Download Gametype – Outbr8kProtocol

    Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
    #1 Grey Benefit, Jun 12, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2008
    Insane54 likes this.
  2. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hello, welcome to forgehub. This is a great example of a map post, but people here will nag about the pics being dark, so I recommend taking them w/o the filters. Other than that, great first map post. Enjoy your stay.
  3. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    These day to night maps are getting really old.
  4. Tofu

    Tofu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a good map, I'll try it out.
  5. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
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    Since I joined forgehub, I have never seen a correct first post (except mine)! It is so great to finally see one and I love you for it.

    The map looks pretty good for a first post. You put thought into your map and you have presented it very neatly. For this, I give this thread a 5/5!
  6. IGotEverclear

    IGotEverclear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sounds cool downloading now.

    DR MAJESTIC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i love how you made a fun infection map on blackout!i usually only see slayer maps on blackout,and i mean i love slayer as much as the next guy,but it's always good to play some great infection maps sometimes.

    -the doc-
  8. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    Just because you took the time to create a well thought out and correct post, i know this is going to be good, nice job taking advantage of timers and map FX correctly, A+
  9. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    I think a certain member of this site would really like this name.

    idk, this looks ish.
  10. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Unfortuantly, I don't have to much love for infection, but it's O K, this map looks okay, it's hard to tell with the dark screens, I just wouldn't like having to escplain the map to random people, also, the light to dark isn't new, it just makes things harder on everyone.
  11. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    the map seems ok. however it doesnt really seem like you did that much to the map. you changed some weapon placement and tried to balance the map but thats really it. 3/5 ill DL and see how it plays cause thats what matters.
  12. Killerjoker11

    Killerjoker11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map, like how you have certain spots, and no camping spots always wanted to make a map like this, ill try it out. :)
    #12 Killerjoker11, Jun 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2008
  13. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fair enough, although might I note that I started this map the Day Blackout came out (And then left it on the shelf unfinished for ages, but thats beside the point).

    I'm thinking there must be something wrong with the settings on my monitor, cause the screens look almost normal to me :S. I'll reupload them tonight without the filters (or play about with the settings on photobucket).

    As for explaining to new people, it's not too bad. the games are short and there are three rounds to each, so people get it fast. Not to mention hat if there's voice communications, it can be explained as you go. I played it with a bunch of 7 guys a while back for the first time, and they all picked it up pretty fast, to the point where we had a plan and everything by the end.

    Without wanting to seem rude, did you actually read the post? Considering the darkness of those photos, I'd understand if maybe you just looked at the photos and went "oh, thats not much different". But considering that I've changed the way the map works, eliminated a number of issues that would have been present if I'd just stuck straight to my plan, used timers, changed the weapons as you say, etc. etc.

    Do all maps have to be entirely reconstructed out of crates and containers? Meh, oh well, you are, of course, entitled to your opinion.

    Thanks for all the feedback anyway, Like I said, I'll change those pictures later, as a good few of you have mentioned those.

    By the by, if y'all hate the filters so much, then I'll probably release my Lights On map, which is the same one without the filters (originally for use with non-plasma TVs, which can't handle the FX)
    #13 Grey Benefit, Jun 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2008
  14. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    you know this actually looks like a pretty good map. you could strap some barriars down with teleporters but whatever 5/5
  15. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    i like it looks like a fun map to play infection on i will defntly dwnld so ya nice job
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. You sir get +rep for a great map post. And I'm going to download this too. Do you have inspiration from Fbu's Traxus map? Its excellent (probobly one of my favorite Infection games evur), if you havent played it, try it out.
  17. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow.. I was about to say no, I was inspired merely by the Infection itself, and how it should be. But I've just checked out Traxus, and it is actually a map I've seen. Weird.

    Although there didn't seem to be quite as much to ensure that players traveled a specific route in Traxus, it is quite similar to this. Maybe I was inspired unconsciously! :O
  18. Wraith_5

    Wraith_5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hell of a map considering you were using Blackout. I'll definitely dl.
  19. FrongDong

    FrongDong Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very nice. I also dislike the hiding zombie games.
    Teamwork plus zombies=good.
  20. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. I don't get the opportunity to play with large-ish numbers very often (I don't like matchmaking and I'm rarely on at the same times as my friends), so when I do I always try to make an effort to play not only fun games, but ones that require at least some element of teamwork. So this is kinda a mix of both.

    By the way, the link for Lights On is now fixed (see first post). If any of you guys are running a non-flatscreen TV, you're possibly better off playing that, as my experiences playing this map on standard TVs have always been way too dark.

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