Yeah this is a map I made when I couldn't go on live- I have a crap modem- pictures may need to be updated, the pit has been updated, as were the walls. Enjoy! Pics! Linky to Map Linky to Gametype All credit for photos goes to ivory of h3mod (now psilo for some reason) Thanks for reading -Firebird How did I do? E-mail me at! Please Comment!
Honestly this map doesnt look all that great. By the few pictures you have it looks like it din't take too long to make. Keep trying though becuase you're on the right track! Also I'm not 100% sure but your post may not be up to standards.
I dont get it either, its a creative idea and all, but it looks like anyone can make it in 20mins.... It just looks like a hallway of bridges... it seems like it could be from smash bros. but smash bros is evolved now, its not just a few bridges, now its like destructable floors and levels that move, try making the map with some 10 sec respawn palets that float for floors that can be destroyed. also try making this off the edge of avalanche blackout or standoff. because doing it on foundry makes it easy to avoid dying by falling.. Im giving you these suggestions because i allready made a map just like this on standoff just with a more destructable enviroment.
Thanks for the feedback- it was a quick map, no interlocking at all. It's an ok map to play once or twice.
You should have made it on blackout so there are fall deaths, along with destructable crates and such. Include some gametype info next time.
Teehee i remember playing Super Smash bros melee i was hella raw with marth tehee looks fun and reminds me of memoreis lolol good job
Yeah... It would be better on blackout or somthin. Also- the gametype is included- underneath the map link.
I hate to say this but, your post is not up to forge hub standerds, please read this thread on how to post a map. I know i'm not a moderator, but I hate seeing posts like this.
Actualy cool, dont spam and raise your post count this forum does meet the requirements but barely, a few more pictures and some cleaning up would help
i loved smash bros. but this seems nothing like any of the levels on it try to make it more like one of them and it will be much better
Super Smash Bros. Map - wow looks allot like 1 and looks really fun the only problem is it looks abit sloppy
of course it's sloppy lol! I made it quickly, honestly it should have been edited before posting. Besides- made b4 I knew how to interlock.... oh well!
Its a good idea, but these work better when there actually is a a death pit so when you fall off, you're gone. But These kind of maps, from my experience arent amazing for playability