Hello ForgeHub, My name is Ben; I'm 16. I'm a gifted kid; I was homeschooled, finished my high school requirements at 13, messed around, and started attending a local college at 14 since all the Ivy League schools I wanted to apply to told me to apply at 17. I play football, and I've been running track and field for 11 years now. I played the violin alot up until I suffered 3 concussions this past football season, and then began Halo upon its release. Unfortunately, I guess, I wasn't able to do anything that caused a loud noise, or my symptoms would resurface, leading to more doctor's visits and the like, so I dropped music until I was cleared in December. Since then, I haven't really gotten back into it, I guess. Apart from the life story, heh, I play Halo. I like to Forge, and I've completed a few maps of my own. I've been browsing this site, culling maps and gathering information for a few months, I just never really took the time to register. I'm looking forward to getting more involved. >> Apologies for the title in Latin, but after 8 years in the language, I jumped at the chance for a (somewhat, albeit misplaced) practical use for the language!
.... wow... um, seriously? omg... lol thats some awesome story. I thought I was smart in school and stuff! I still like to call you the energizer bunny lol... you just keep going and going and going... anyway, welcome to FH! May your brilliance shine here... cya round! :]
I'm not the energizer bunny, I'm The Benergizer. It's not that hard, didn't we already go over this in the shoutbox last week?
lol yea we did but your name looks like the word "energizer" so... but Ill call you benergizer, just a joke.
Your sort of like me but, you play football, and instrement, run teack a lot longer than me , home school, and different age these are the only differnce between us.
I'd believe that the word "essum" is. Mainly since after taking the SAT II Subject Test for it, I haven't even cracked open a text book for the language since December, and I can't remember the damn forms for that irregular verb. Because I've heard kids from public school throwing around the other word when they found I knew Latin and wanted to screw with me.
Benergizer, you look like a promising member with your grammar and spelling already surpassing the majority of Forge hub's ability. Heck, that didn't make sense, even to me. I'm unskilled. Anyway, I go to a gifted class in my school although I don't feel I deserve it...
seriously lol. I'm in all AP classes with a 95 avg or higher in each class... I AM smart. Just don't ever like acting like it lol.
Wait...how is that the infinitive? The active infinitive is "edere...." and I don't think I've seen that as any form of the passive infinitive... Woah. There's a TurboGerbil here? That's like, a small rodent to the max!?!
Welcome to Forge Hub, Benergizer. But don't accumulate your post count here! Go look around in all of Forge Hub's forum glory! Word up. Much love, Metroshell
Its not... I just add the to in front of something when I'm defining, it, bad habit I know. So those who haven;t gotten it yet --> "Hi, I eat poop"
Yep. There's a TurboGerbil here. But he's Canadian, so he's not a real person. Anyway, good to see another literate poster on the FH forums. Youth illiteracy is killing our nation, contrary to the popular belief that Dubya and rap music have partnered to corrupt innocent youth. Though the latter is somewhat believable, I still find nothing deadly about rap music. And neither did 2Pac, because he's not dead. Pointless rambling paragraph aside, it's good to have you here. If you don't contribute much, we have every right to get mad at you because of the fact that you were homeschooled and you're finished, so you shouldn't have much to do other than making FH greater. Also on the side: 3 concussions and you had to quit football? Damn. I've probably had about 5 over the past seven years (ranging from moderate to severe) and I still haven't quit hockey. What's a few brain cells here and there anyway?
Yes, but understand that I was a slight little fellow, in stature a mere 5'3", weighing 120 lb.s in pads...my only strength was my speed. So, especially considering I got two concussions simultaneously, and another one a week after that for the trainer releasing me to play far too soon, I ended up being out for all but the last two games. I ended up quitting because the 5 decent kids who didn't go out of their way to degrade your life as a human being didn't outweigh the 65 others who did perform complete asshattery. Metroshell, I'm heading other ways now. I did post on the Lockdown v4 thread though...
wow, that was the best intro i've seen yet, actually, this is the first welcoming i've made simply because you have an amazing story here. For starters, you grabbed my attention with the "cool" smiley, and Latin title, which I was thinking to myself "Uhhh, okay, he thinks he's cool...riiiiight....must...go....read..."and after reading, you are quite mister cool indeed...anyways, just don't get full of yourself and you'll be having a great time here at the hub =] hope to see you around