aight in this order 1.the person in the vid is me it's my youtube account 2. you may have dowloaded this a month ago but this thread is two months old so how would you know who is first. 3. I created this map and i do belive that i was the first to post it to forgehub 4. I didn't find this glitch. I got it from CMNeir's H3T vid. on youtube. 5. I does only work if your the host but sometimes my friends can see it too. in conclusion i respect you and your veiw bu t one more thing that rep point was just a low blow man not cool.
1. The person in the video isn't your 'youtube account' That doesn't make any sense. Reword it please. 2. You may have a point there, I'll look into it. READ BELOW THE LINE 3. I doubt you made the map, the gamertag is different. 4. Post where you found the glitch, and don't say, "By xSharpshooter94" 5. You didn't say it like that, you said "But it doesn't work sometimes if you are host." _________ 5 isn't an argument, but purely a statement. 2 - This thread is just a few days over a month, which is what I originally said, so It's actually close. I'll have to find the thread which I first saw to prove that your are right or wrong.
1.the person in the vid is me listen to the end and you'll he cheeta say cheetaman and "sharpshooter" and halo2RandCgeneral is my youtube account name 2.grazie 3.The GT is my old GT, i changed it but the account stayed 4. Ill do that now 5. sorry for the error. 6. can you please fix my rep.
Yes, I guess I can add to your rep. Though I am still searching for that forum post I used. . . Here's a version of it, but it's old and a different version, so it doesn't really count, and this is NOT the version I used, just showing you. The one I didn't use. . . ___ Spreading rep before I can rep you again, lol. I still am debating whether you were first or not...but I'll still +rep you.
Okay, I forgive you, and I'm sure I overreacted too, but I believe my first comment wasn't too insulting, and you're response wasn't too nice. We both screwed up though lol. I'm still waiting to +rep you, don't freak if you're rep doesn't go up tonight, it's 'cus it won't let me. Anyway, congrats on Askar, you we're Cavalier I think when I came to this thread. ________ I will not post in this thread anymore, as I do not want to bump it any more. If I do in fact find a thread with this dated earlier than your's, I'll edit it into THIS post, so jsut check it every once in a while. ________ Edit #2: I gave out too much rep lol, Don't worry, it wasn't spam reps. Anyway, You'll get it tomorrow because I reached some sort of limit. I accepted your FR.
first sorry once again, send you a friend request? second me too sorry finally yes i was commenting on other maps as well.
got your message halo2 and I was glad to help but from now on since I ve been geting so many messages please PM me don't send me an xbox live message or I'll just delete it.
well your welcome and I'm glad to help anybody because that was the whole reason I posted it in the first place.