Second Episode of the series "To Catch a Map Thief" In this episode we catch Halo 3's Map Thief "beavis1050."
haha i love this series. :-D i hope peolpe stop stealing maps.. but if they do im goin to miss this alot.
Lol, this exact thing happened to me, except this guy was showing me one of Covenant Elites maps and he said it was his, when I told him that it wasnt his and that he had stolen it he started to say I was a map thief and that all my maps on my file share were made by a mason on forge hub then I told him I was a mason on forge hub he called me a liar and started shouting at me.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I ****ing love you guys, you are the heroes of mapmakers!!! there were a few parts that i just couldn't stop laughing 1st part) dog humping pillow...creepy 2nd part) didn't leave this time 3rd part) the kid sounded like he was so scared, like you guys were the police or something, LOL This was good ****, great job, keep the series coming!
Thanks all! Episode 3 will be funny like no other Were caught a guy claiming he made foundry! So stay tuned
wow, you guys are really making a difference here. Map stealers really irritate me. I actually know someone who steals maps. Gt: castorcanadandy He really irritates me. And I cant wait for your next episode guys!
Well my 360 is getting fixed and Im not sure when ill get it back....but I would like to see him go down. He has a funny voice.
I think i already pointed this guy out in the other thread but GT:Sandalls R Hes on my friends listdue to stupid circumstances and ive seen him witha stolen version of tunnel rats. Great video and i coulndt stop laughing at the pillow part.Also the poor kid was silently terrified."hEY THIS SHOULD BE GOING UP ON YOUTUBE IN ABOUT 2HOURS...STRAIGHT TO FORGEHUB" "woah hey hey ill delete it ah,yeah ill say it was yours.Uh you want me to delete it?" but i think you should have short intro filmed like a machinima part instead of text. And naturally i think my symbolyck slaughter of an avatar representing the map thief suggestion would be a nice addition
Great stuff. No one has ever tried to steal any of my maps Although someone did claim that I stole Legacy.
Ah.... reminds me of when someone tried to steal one of my maps. He left my sig in the back-room of foundry it was hilarious.
Yeah, that guy was a moron. I love catching people in lies and btw that dog continued to hump the bed throughout the night. creepy. I know. Episode three will be even better, so stay tuned...