1 grenade jump could get u out so stack up walls, i like the curv it makes it more intersting and the idea of anti camp area ut i dont like how thers a shield door because he can still camp.
The map looks easy to break and the fusion coils seems a bit overkill great try for a first interlocked map try workiing out small details for another week it improves the quality way more than you think
The map is very escapable. Though I really like the curved feel to it. Good job! Next time you make a map (or if you do a v2 of this one), I'd suggest either adding a roof or making the walls higher. And shield doors definitely get too campy. Just look at Snowbound. xP
This map is alright it doesnt look fun in my opinion and not much originality.Also all those fusion coils you put in there is way too much in my opinion.Ill give you a 2.5/5
This is an honestly original idea and i like it, but maybe a big more objects might be better. If you were constrained by a budget, you should use the infinite money map
He's talking about the outside walls where there aren't any fusion coils from the looks of your pics. Ha! That's almost as good as the 'my little brother was on and......' excuse. Just own up to what you did, it's better than trying to cover up with dumb excuses.
no it whase really my friend.... and if you throw a nade outside the walls where the fusion coils are the will explode inside anyway i hope the map is ok and i will make a v2 later
nice interlocking, but it looks way to easy to get out of, and very unbalanced. i see abunch of teleporters, and the only weapon i see is an incinerator. and whats with all the fusion coils at the bottom