Headquarters v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xl RUNDLE lx, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. xl RUNDLE lx

    xl RUNDLE lx Ancient
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    Headquarters v1

    This symmetrical map is great for long range, tactical team BR fights.

    After making many maps in the square section of Foundry, I decided to implement the existing map geometry and the built in bases. I wanted to create a map that demanded tactics and teamwork, and also I wanted to use buildings as cover, and not just put random boxes everywhere.

    When making this map, I thought more about the functionality of the buildings than whether or not there would be enough cover...and the effect was that this map feels very realistic. The map itself is in the shape of a "U", with the teams spawning in the original foundry bases, behind the cover of a garage, housing 2 mongooses (mongeese?)

    From there, the teams progress up the side of the map into the first, small base. This is where the first battle will take place, with the teams using the cover of their respective bases to hold back the other team.

    The ultimate goal of the teams is to reach the Headquarters building at the turn of the "U", as it gives a great view of the map, good cover, and has the only power weapon on the map (the sniper.) Once a team has control of the HQ, it will take tactical teamwork from the opposite team to overthrow them.

    Long lines of site and space in between various buildings (along with map symmetry) gives Headquarters a great feel.

    The only weapons on this map are:
    Battle Rifles (15)
    Carbines (4) and
    Sniper (1)

    Another change I made was to remove grenades from the map to encourage team shooting and to promote the use of the Headquarters buildings.

    Edit: Interlocking is used on this map.

    ---Set up for all gametypes, works well with TS, CTF, and KotH


    This shows the main base located at the end of the two streets. (This is the main HQ, and the flow of the map places heavy emphasis on control of this base.)


    The inside of the main HQ, showing the sniper spawn.


    Main street. On the left you can make out the roof of the Headquarters and the mid-bridge area. To the right you can see the back alley, and towards the back you can see the B-side spawn and garage.

    Helpful tip: Don't get caught alone without a teammate or two in this long, desolate street. Especially when the other team is about to respawn. X-l


    A view of one of the side bases, as well as mid-bridge and under bridge.


    This shows the A-side spawn (B-side is just the same, I didn't feel I needed to include a picture.)


    A view of the side base and bridge again, but you can see the main HQ. You can also begin to see the map's general "U" shape.

    This is my first posted map, so feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    LINK to dowload Headquarters
    #1 xl RUNDLE lx, Jun 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  2. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    not enough weapon diversity... and too many BRs. 15!?!?! But at least the map looks ok.
  3. xl RUNDLE lx

    xl RUNDLE lx Ancient
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    Ha, yeah it sounds like a lot, but really it's just so that no one runs out of ammo. I didn't want to have a ton of different weapons because then it focuses more on who has the best gun rather than who has the best tactics/teamwork.

    15 is a lot, but I just hate it when I'm playing a large map and run out of BR ammo.

    Edit: Thanks for feedback, I'm looking for ways to make it better for a v2.
  4. raging_jordan

    raging_jordan Ancient
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    yeah it could use more weapons but cool layout
    #4 raging_jordan, Jun 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  5. xl RUNDLE lx

    xl RUNDLE lx Ancient
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    What are some suggestions for different weapons...I want to keep it skilled and tactical.
  6. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    looks like a nice decent map
  7. raging_jordan

    raging_jordan Ancient
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    You could ad a brute shot to create a little bit of tactical chaos or a pair of smg's
  8. xl RUNDLE lx

    xl RUNDLE lx Ancient
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    Good idea...maybe a pair of SMG's at each base and then one brute per side base.
  9. raging_jordan

    raging_jordan Ancient
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    The brute would also balance out the sniper

    And there is nothing wrong with 15 br's, it just gives you more ammo.
    #9 raging_jordan, Jun 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  10. xl RUNDLE lx

    xl RUNDLE lx Ancient
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    Yah, the only thing bad about putting in something like a brute would be the shift from 1 power weapon (which I kind of like because then it emphasizes control) to controlling the Sniper AND the two brutes. I'm def. going to try it out though.
  11. raging_jordan

    raging_jordan Ancient
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    Yeah, if one team gets all the goodies they will completely dominate but it will also put an objective in normal team slayer, first team to the brutes wins. : )
  12. xl RUNDLE lx

    xl RUNDLE lx Ancient
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    Ha yeah...well I'll just try out some different stuff and see what seems to work. I like the idea of SMG's, maybe for a close-quarters sneak attack from behind a base or something.
  13. raging_jordan

    raging_jordan Ancient
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    Try putting just one brute shot in the center also
  14. xl RUNDLE lx

    xl RUNDLE lx Ancient
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    That seems like it would work out well...it wouldn't be too overpowering but it would add a variety in tactics.
  15. V

    V Ancient
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    Or you could even include some plasma pistols/rifles since these are a great way to bring a person's shields down particularly one with a power weapon and coupled with another person wielding a BR could lead to some great use of teamwork.
  16. raging_jordan

    raging_jordan Ancient
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    Thats true but most people dont even bother picking guns like that up when there are better guns on the map. I just dont think they will be used much.
  17. xZ3ROxPROJ3CTx

    xZ3ROxPROJ3CTx Ancient
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    Looks like a great map. I'm definatly DLing. Cant wait to try it with my clan
  18. xl RUNDLE lx

    xl RUNDLE lx Ancient
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    True...I'll consider it. The only thing I'm worried about is that I don't want the map to feel "messy", with too much color (plasma bullets) or weapon variation. It might be just me, but I kind of like it when maps are fairly uniform and you know what to expect. With too many choices of weapons/grenades things can get kind of random.

    Thanks for feedback though! I'll try it out.
  19. xl RUNDLE lx

    xl RUNDLE lx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, tell me how that goes (this map still needs that bit extra of playtesting.)

    **Sorry for doublepost but I don't know how to quote someone else into an edit...or maybe I'm just lazy :(
  20. raging_jordan

    raging_jordan Ancient
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    Yeah, all of the alien weapons do look kinda childish. And they take away from the aesthetics.

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