How much have you improved??

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Draw the Line, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    When I first joined forgehub back in January, I can certainly say that my map making skills were terrible. My walls were crooked, certain objects didn't line up properly, and I didn't have a clue how spawn areas worked. I'd like to dedicate this thread to showing images that show how much our forging skills have improved since we've joined to Forgehub.

    I'll go first:
    This is the first map I made about 5-6 days after Foundry was released. It was terrible! My bridges were crooked, there were large gaps in between boxes and my walls looked a lot like the Leaning Tower of Piza. My weapon choice was poor as well....I could go on....

    After I came to Forgehub and learned about all these wonderful techniques, I remade the map (mid January). I started interlocking my maps, and began floating objects among many other techniques found in Forging 101.

    Then of course a month and a half later I made this:

    As you can see, I've come a long, long way.
    #1 Draw the Line, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2008
    TexturedSun likes this.
  2. barefootabe

    barefootabe Ancient
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    that map doesnt look all that bad (im a big fan of walk ways/cat walks)

    the first map i realy worked on was a floating base on last resort. gah it was so anoying back then ,i wasnt used to forgeing not to mention the moveable containers .the slightest mistake and i would have to start over all and all i think i've come along way
  3. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    The map doesn't really look changed, you just added that thing on the top, and you can still just grenade jump out. You should have just then shown a picture of end of the line for your maps now
  4. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    I, too improved a great deal after coming here ... for example, my first map just looked like a brother of the default Foundry:

    Now this is a teaser sample of a map i'll be releasing this week (this is from very early in the design/build):
  5. barefootabe

    barefootabe Ancient
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    End of the line is wonder it got featured.
  6. Paliut1992

    Paliut1992 Ancient
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    Well I believe I wasn't terrible but I wasn't good either I think I improved after playing forge longer and longer...
  7. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    before foundry and before Fh had a forum, I made these maps lol:





    Sexy stuff amiright?
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Interesting as it sounds, my first map ever was called 'Rogue'. It's now deleted, thankfully. I basically knew nothing of spawns and weapons placement, nor did I realize that teleporter nodes and weapon holders were immovable. I don't have a pic of it though.

    My most recent fail map that I made was Gesuido. It was, to say the least, utter, unsalvageable piece of crap. Picture of failness.

    My newer map is a little better, thankfully.

    Hopefully, it shows how much better I have become in Forging, albeit a small amount.
  9. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I can now, interlock, geo-merge, build a plethora of switches and gadgets and everything else to do with forging a map except make the game play on it good.
  10. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Well...I hate to re-bring up these pictures honestly...but ya...I actually posted this crap map before I knew that interlocking-cleanly was important...


    But ya, that was the crap that I did before I started spending more time on my partner and I have completed three maps that are well-interlocked, and have an all-around decent design [/boastfullness]

    This is my favorite pic, but ya...

  11. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    If it werent for forgehub, my maps would be as good as some of the ones on Bungie Favourites, and that's saying something. I didnt learn anything on weapon placement here, I learnt that on my own.
    But almost every other forge technique, was learned from here.
    I wish I had picks of my old shitty maps to show everyone but thankfully they've been deleted of my hard drive. They were awful, you'd get stuck, almost always have to jump around and I remember making a map on Last resort where I'd palced 4 grav lifts and as many fusion coils and propane tanks as I could, I called it suicide beach.
    Geo-Merging is something that I have become much better at recently because of forgehub. I'll post a teaser pick of my upcoming map soon, which features a lot of merging, interlocking and the like.
  12. Forge Monster

    Forge Monster Ancient
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    I remeber making my first map, it was a maze, I was so excited. Too bad all my walls were leaning and it was easy to navigate... But I've moved onto competitive maps.
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Oh I rememver the days of mazes. The first map I made on the night of the release was titled "Linubidix House" it incorporated a maze which actually was pretty hard to navigate becasue I didnt plan it, I just kept placing random walls.
  14. DoYouLikeWaffle

    DoYouLikeWaffle Ancient
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    You guys overreact. As long as you cant mess up the map because of the way it's made, IT'S FINE.
  15. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    What you said makes no sense.
    I think I know what you're trying to say, after I re-read ot like 4 times.
    Aesthetics is an enormous part to making great maps, if your maps looks crap, it probably wont get good comments.
  16. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    lol. you should not of brought this up. when i very first started forging i would get sooo frustrated! i hated the sound of the double boxes hitting each other when you would try and put them next to each other. my first map was a race map on high ground and that was extremely ordinairy
  17. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    Oh wow, I remember the first few maps I made...

    First was an infection map on highground. A small (Crappy) base in the corner filled with weapons. After playing it for a while I decided it was unbalanced and made...

    Another infection, on Sandtrap. Another crappy base in the middle, filled with a bunch of weapons, and a sniper tower. Zombies had 4 ways to attack. Map still sucked though.

    My newest map (WIP)

    And one of my older ones, which I think was good for its time...

    I still have a LONG way to go
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I have improved quite a bit from when i started forging...
  19. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    A lot of these maps don't look all that bad, like Nemihara and Tex, from the pictures you've shown you're old stuff looks fine.

    Before finding this place I made eight maps (not including all the maps I made on the original Halo 3 maps before Foundry was released). When I made my first five I didn't even know how to interlock or how to make things float in the air by pausing and saving. I had good ideas behind my maps, but man, the architecture was just the worst.

    First I made a map designed specifically to support sword games, the idea behind it was to toss in a bunch of man cannons so that players could have wicked rad speedy lunges.
    The end result was a bunch of empty space next to a big ugly wall.

    Next I made a big wall for one flag CTF games. Complete with armory and a big interior maze that would never be any fun for anyone. The gimmick here was that you could shoot a weak point in the middle section of the wall and have it explode.
    Look at those window panels, be lookin like a gentle breeze could knock those over.

    My third map was a zombie house, the gimmick in this map was that the guns in the house didn't respawn, meaning the humans would need to venture outside the house to find weapons, then hurry back inside. But I now realize the idea of hiding from zombies in house is totally uninspired, plus the house itself looks fiercely terrible.
    Look at that, looks like someone using a wrecking ball lost interest about a quarter of the way through.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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