MLG Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Echo, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Alright, fair enough.

    I suggest going here to look up the rules and settings. Sorry I couldn't find a direct link to the page but I couldn't find it and I am tired.

    Looking forward to your v2.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    If that's actually the case than I apologize, you should have expressed yourself better. If you want examples of great mlg maps check out lockdown, legacy, or hype. All very good maps that have been posted here.
  3. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    Don't jump to conclusions and make false statements.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Make yourself more clear and learn to take constructive criticism better. What you are saying now is different from what you were originally saying, but regardless I'm still willing to offer feedback.
  5. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    MLG Arena is what I want to call it. You said it's not MLG at all.

    Saying this, meant it wasn't done yet. Just like most the people that come on here look for tips how they can make their maps into what they desire from the critique of the other people. Right?

    I took your tips into consideration. I never took your criticism in a bad way or else I would've said something about the list you gave me.

    Here I reassure you that what I'm looking for is critique. Which is getting helpful tips from the people on forgehub to help me to get what I want. Not Flame ME.

    Yet again you're not reading what I wrote. Still being ignorant you're still calling me a D/L ***** after I said all of the above.

    You put this not quoting the WHOLE sentence.

    This is what I originally said. Go look even now I never edited it.

    I replied.

    Once again! I tell you that I'm not done with the map yet.

    I clearly proved that it was my main objective the whole time to change the map with the given tips from the users in this thread to make it an MLG map.

    Did I? NO

    You took the words right out of my mouth.

    PLEASE. If you post again try to put a little intellect into it, but if you're going to be immature DON'T RESPOND.
  6. Dodfrontlines11

    Dodfrontlines11 Ancient

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    look when mlg is in the title it sould be fit to mlg settings and look mlg frankly at the moment ur map is not up to mlg standards maybe a v2 will clear things up.
  7. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    OMG. Obviously when I said I was taking the constructive criticism to make another one. What else would I do with the critique I have asked for.

    . . .and as for a v2 I'm about to upload one soon, BUT it's not my OFFICIAL map --->("YET")<---.

    #47 Echo, Jun 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  8. Dodfrontlines11

    Dodfrontlines11 Ancient

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    ok well here is constructive critcism dont put mlg in the title when its not up to mlg standards sorry but it just doesnt fit hope ur v2 is better.
  9. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    Hooked on Phonics.
  10. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    A - sniper tower looks really cool the way you have the window panels tilted, looks like a fun map to play on.
  11. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Echo I was trying to let it go in spite of the fact that you were still wrong because I was tired of arguing, but since you have to bring it up again I'll diagram it out:

    You: Post map (no indication that you were going to make changes)

    Me: This map isn't mlg for reasons: A,B,C

    You: "I never said it was an official mlg map" (meaning absolutely nothing, because of course its not being used on the circuit. Still no indication of trying to make it an mlg map )

    Me: Well if its not mlg than you should change the name

    You: I can call it whatever I want to (STILL no indication of trying to make the map mlg settings compatible)

    Me: You can't do that because if makes it sound like something its not

    You: I'll show you, I'll make it for mlg settings (Right at this point you switched your argument from "it doesn't have to be mlg for me to call it that" to "I'll make it for mlg settings"

    Then you changed it to "I always intended to make this for mlg settings" which clearly you didn't, either that or you had no knowledge of what these settings were.

    You never even acknowledged the points I made in my first post because at the time you had no intentions of making this into an mlg map. There was a period where I was simply just flaming you but that part shouldn't be what you're quoting as its irrelevant to the actual argument. Plus you're quoting things I posted and saying you had already addressed that and then quoting yourself on something you said later in the thread, ROFL.

    Now I'm willing to let this go and help you turn this into an mlg map, but don't try to make me look like the dumb one because thats not how it went down. By carrying this on you're just making yourself look less intelligent. Just let it go now, I already tried to do that once but you just had to keep going.

    Now why don't you drop your argument and concentrate on your map, k?

    EDIT: If you want me to re-do this post with actual quotes instead of summarizations I will do that, but I'd rather avoid that and i think you would too.
    #51 HITtheLIGHTZ, Jun 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  12. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    Buy it.
  13. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Wow you fail, way to not address anything I just said in a reasonable manner and resort to lame comebacks because you're incapable of either retorting what I said or admitting you're wrong. If you were mature at all you'd just admit to being wrong or just let it die but instead you come back with weak insults.

    You have no refute to what I just said in my previous post.
  14. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    You're saying that I never intended to make my map into a mlg map. I just proved to you with that long post back there that it was. So you obviously didn't read it if you still insist on saying that it wasn't my intention. That's why I said you need hooked on phonics.

    Here's more proof. You must of skipped over it just or just completely ignoring it knowing that I'm right.

    Also, don't say that I didn't acknowledge the points you made in your first points. PROOF is in the new map I made. Did I change a lot of things you said? YES not all, because I think I wanted the rocket launcher in there but I think I'll take it out in the next one since of your post in the other thread.

    What I'm looking for now is what to put instead of those wall corners everywhere. I've heard some good things. I have tooken them into consideration.
    #54 Echo, Jun 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  15. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    very nice. i will definatley be downloading this map and i look forward to some games on it. Good Job
  16. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Okay since you aren't smart enough to realized that I've already covered this I'll diagram the entire thread out with quotes and prove my point right here"

    MLG Arena! Great map for some 4v4 action. Works great for Team Slayer. It's an open map but with plenty of cover. Symmetrical map that is fair under all circumstances. If you're tired of playing Onslaught and Amplified try out The Arena.

    Your opening post. In here there was never any indication that the map wasn't finished, or that you were going to change it to comply with mlg settings (I'm not sure if you even knew what mlg settings were at the time)

    My post:

    This really isn't an mlg map for a lot of reasons:

    -SMG is not an mlg weapon
    -2 snipers and a rocket launcher on a symetrical and open MLG map is excessive
    -Equipment (especially regens) are not MLG
    -Shield doors are not MLG
    -Fusion coils are not MLG
    -Objects like trucks and forklifts and crates that aren't secured and can bounce around are not MLG
    - Plus it looks like you took some of this from Amplified (those two mini house structures made of walls)

    I'm not saying its bad because I haven't played it, but its not MLG at all.

    Basically giving you some good advice on how to make it mlg if you wanted to, which is what you say you wanted but instead you respond with:

    I never said it was an official MLG map.

    Again no indication that changes were going to be made, ever. This post doesn't even make any sense. It seems here that you just decided to name the map "Mlg Arena" without knowing that mlg actually implied something when put in front of a map.

    Me: Well then you need to take MLG out of the title because its not appropriate.

    Again here I tell you that since your map is not mlg settings compatible you should change the name because at the time you clearly had no intention of changing the map.

    You: You obviously didn't read the other post of why I named it that. Not appropriate? So I'm not allowed to name my maps whatever I want? That totally makes sense.

    Your other post you're referring to is this: I named it MLG Arena because I haven't seen that name used yet unlike "The Arena" which is constantly used.

    See this is where you're currently contradicting yourself, your reasons for naming mlg at this stage are "because I can name it whatever I want" and because its different than "the arena". So when the name comes into to question here its odd that you didn't mention that you were planning on making it mlg, or that this was unfinished at all.

    Me: Well its completely misleading and all you're doing then is just whoring the name to get more downloads.

    I've seen this before and I actually apologize for this post considering this doesn't seem to be the case. Lets continue

    You: Yes more downloads that's what I want. No I don't care. You must be illiterate or something if you still can't read my other post of why I named it MLG.

    I have friends on here that want to see my map and they told me to join forgehub and upload my maps on here since their is a great community unlike Bungie's File Forums which has uncontrolled bumping and advertising in threads.

    STILL no indications of you changing the map, or any plans that you had to make the necessary changes. I didn't detect your sarcasm here.

    ME: Congrats then you've proven that you're not only a d/l ***** but a retarded one too, give yourself a pat on the back. When you put MLG in front of a name it means the map is designed for mlg settings, which your map isn't. You could've put something else in front of it that wasn't designed to trick people into d/ling or you could have thought of a better name than arena for a map but that's clearly beyond your bordering on autistic level of comprehension.

    Okay me calling you out because I thought you were being a dl *****.

    You: I feel bad when I have to argue with people that have some form of down syndrome. Download *****, I was being sarcastic, but you probably don't realize that because you're trying to hard to argue with me about a map (get a life).

    I can put whatever name I want. I don't see why you're so angry about the name of my map. It says MLG but it doesn't mean it's for MLG settings (yet). You can alter it for the settings. Just because others have arena for their name isn't gonna stop me from having it.

    The map isn't even perfected, but yet you're hell bent on calling me a download ***** when I don't even give a **** about them. Constructive criticism is what I'm looking for. Yet Ignorant fools like you have to flame every post you see. READ THE OTHER POSTS, before you start calling people a retard. Such a hypocrite.

    Ahh the first slight indication that you wanted to make it mlg. But even then its fairly obvious that you thought it was perfectly reasonable to have MLG in front of a non mlg map, also notice the I can name my map whatever I want argument coming back into play (This is point where you start to switch over) Also you said I can change the settings, still no real indication that you were intent on changing it for yourself although now you're saying you always intended to do that.

    Me: You very clearly lack an ability to read. I told you why the name was not appropriate several times but you are too retarded to comprehend anything.

    It says MLG but it doesn't mean it's for MLG settings

    Thats what its supposed to mean you ****ing dipshit. I started out by telling you why this isn't an mlg map and say its perfectly okay to call it that anyway?. An mlg that doesn't support mlg settings, wow. Its the same thing as when people tag their map with forge hub on bungie, it misleads people which is annoying. I think I'll make a blackout variant and title it "Forge Hub Infection racetrack (9 million d/ls!!!!)" that seriously makes about as much sense as what you're doing.

    And I don't flame every post I see, but when you act like an arrogant retard for post after post eventually I will call you out on it.

    I'm laughing at your stupidity right now.

    Flaming you for perfectly good reason. I just called you out on your initial argument but then you fully switch with the next post.

    You: I like how you didn't even put "(yet)" at the end of your bold sentence like I clearly put at the end of the sentence originally. Just change what I really said to prove your point.

    Do you not get that the map is NOT done? I told you that you couldn't read. I have to alter it a little before it actually becomes an MLG. You obviously are flaming when you're bad mouthing in every post you have.

    We started this by you saying it wasn't MLG at all. Yeah when it's all done you'll think twice little kid. You think this is the final version when this is my first post

    This is where you fully switch over using the "yet" from before as proof that you had planned on making it mlg from the beginning which I have just proven is not true. "Do you not get that the map is NOT done", retarded thing to say because other than a (yet) hidden in your previous post you had never said that. "We started this by you saying it wasn't MLG at all. Yeah when it's all done you'll think twice little kid. You think this is the final version when this is my first post" NOW THIS just straight up proves my point. You basically say I'll prove you wrong by making it mlg which just proves that you were lying and that you shifted your argument around. Notice how your argument here is clearly different from what you were saying early on.

    Me: Nothing about the map is mlg. Now you're saying you're going to make it into an mlg map later, rofl. It clearly wasn't designed as an mlg map and was never intended to become one and now you're just trying to talk yourself out of the hole you've dug yourself. Your logic is severely flawed, no way you're older than 12 (no offense to the cool youngins here)

    This is where I call you out for changing your argument because it was apparent at the time that you were doing just that.

    Keep saying it's not an MLG map. You're not an MLG Pro map maker so it's not gonna change anything. I was never dug into anything you're small mind is too dumb to even realize what you're argueing about. So i'll be the bigger man and walk away. None of your points are valid. goodbye.

    This post makes me lawl. You think someone needs to be a map maker for mlg to know what makes an mlg map? I've played a ton of mlg maps from forge and I know what shouldn't and what should be in one, even if I don't make them. You don't bother to address anything I say, but instead say you're being the bigger man when all that really happened is you got caught in a lie haha.


    From that point on you move back to your second argument again and do silly things like say "I can name it whatever I want" once more. "The name is not going to change because I chose it and I like it" once again proving your self contradictions. You cant even come back from this now because its very clear what happened. You could have given up but you pretty much forced to completely annihilate you with a post that proves that you're full of ****.

    "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded"

    Well if thats the case than I guess I win the special olympics and you lose, and I guess thats fitting because I feel half retarded after wasting my time arguing with you.

  17. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    So what you want is in big letters at the top of my thread is THIS IS NOT DONE or THERE WILL BE ANOTHER VERSION.

    You are the only one that doesn't understand that it wasn't done.

    He noticed.

    He thought I should make another. I WAS but you just deny it with the given proof.

    I said here I was going to redo the sniper tower and some spots.I said this before you ever commented. Don't tell me I changed what I was originally going to do when it's right there in clear daylight.DID YOU EVER READ THIS BEFORE YOU STARTED REPLYING? NO

    He notes that it's my first post, indicating that there's gonna be another.

    He gave me some criticism because he knows that there is most likely gonna be another version or else he would've of said simply that it wasn't MLG at all.

    Here's yours. I took all of your pointers into consideration maybe you thought I was ignoring them. I reassured you in later posts that I wasn't. Proof is because if you look at the new map more than half your things you described were improved. RIGHT?



    IF you're thinking I just rushed to make a new one to "dig myself out of a hole", I didn't. When I made my first post I looked around a lot of maps and got ideas and started to make my improvements the same time I made this thread (I mean I just joined the site so I looked around at other maps and got ideas). I took all pointers and put them into the map. That's why I got my new map made so fast was from the tips I've gotten. I started improving before you even commented. Your probably not going to believe me because you know you're wrong.

    Another reason I did it so fast I have a job with lots of hours I don't have a lot of time to make a decent map. That is also why I joined ForgeHub to get tips of what I can do that's quick and easy with the given amount of time I have to make a map.

    Don't say something childish like "oh I didn't know mcdonalds had a lot of hours", because you strike me as a immature child that would say that. With your input in this thread excessively mouthing off directly at me (also putting you fail like everyone does), you place yourself immature and ignorant.


    You also basically ramble on about how I need to take out MLG in my name because the map is not MLG standards. Like I said before "most the people that come on here look for tips how they can make their maps into what they desire, or improve, from the critique of the other people. Right?"


    I have proven that I made this thread to get feedback on what to make my map into MLG twice now but you seem to just overlook everything I put on here.

    I kept this going to prove to you and make you understand that I was going to make another version the whole time. You just keep denying it to whatever I say. I'm not responding anymore to you. You just can't understand (or READ) I guess. Now take some time to read every little detail I said on this thread, not just the stuff that makes yourself look right.
  18. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    You responded to my criticism by saying: I never said it was an mlg map. That does make it see like you did not take what I said into account, all you did was adress why the name was fitting.

    As for the other posters, half the people on this forum make a dumb comment on maps that mean nothing and just boost their post count, "Nice interlocking, good job, will d/l" and variations of that.

    -Re-doing the sniper tower has nothing to do with this

    - I already displayed for you where you changed your argument. I have provided indisputable evidence where you did this. Just stop you're not helping yourself at all at this point.

    - I never talked about mlg standards, only mlg settings. When I brought that up you disputed me on the name issue. I gave you what you say you wanted but clearly you just wanted to argue something else because you didn't really know what mlg settings were at the time. You could have just admitted this, but instead you chose to drag on an argument in which you had no idea what you were talking about.

    "Now take some time to read every little detail I said on this thread, not just the stuff that makes yourself look right."
    I diagrammed our entire conversation and it makes me look right because I am right. Everything you brought up is pretty much irrelevant or at least less important because it didn't specifically deal with our whole all. If you're smart you'd just let this fall of the page without further argument. I mean seriously you keep bringing up maturity but early on you could've admitted to not knowing certain things and avoided all this, I still don't know why you're continuing.

    Anyway your second version looks much better and actually compatible with mlg settings.
  19. Dodfrontlines11

    Dodfrontlines11 Ancient

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    whoooo no i did not hint towards another i just said it was a nice first post not criticizing the map untill later when i told you it was not mlg again you are posting what makes you look good.
  20. codyn1

    codyn1 Ancient
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    Agreed. Definitely needs polishing. Nice try though.
    #60 codyn1, Jun 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2008

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